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Re: AUCtex & Errors while compiling

From: Claudius Hubig
Subject: Re: AUCtex & Errors while compiling
Date: Tue, 04 May 2010 15:44:48 -0000

Hello Andreas,

Andreas Politz <> wrote:
>Claudius Hubig <> writes:
>> Compiling also works fine, but when it encounters an error, it tells
>> me to press C-c `. Being on a German keyboard with deadkeys enabled,
>> I first press C-c, then Shift-' (key left of backspace) and then
>> space. It then asks me for a master file:
>M-g n
>also works.

Thank you :)

>> Is there now any way to
>> a) get my original file automatically into the buffer on the left and
>> b) get "links" from the "faulty" lines mentioned on the right to the
>> corresponding lines on the left?
>This sounds like what actually should happen.
>> (setq-default TeX-master nil);
>Try to change `nil' with `t', and see if it helps (Needs restart), or

Thank you again. Now at least the first part is done – though there's
no “nice” linking between the errors and the lines yet, as possible
with C++ & 'compile, where I get a window with a list of errors which
are coloured and underlined and when I press RET on one of these, it
takes me to the appropriate line in the source file.

Is this possible with TeX or should I take what I get and be happy? :)

Best regards,

Dignity is like a flag.  It flaps in a storm.
                -- Roy Mengot

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