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Connecting with Tramp from EmacsW32 to Cygwin SSH

From: Sébastien Vauban
Subject: Connecting with Tramp from EmacsW32 to Cygwin SSH
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 15:34:30 -0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.50 (windows-nt)


I would like to connect, using Tramp,
- from my EmacsW32 on Windows
- to a Cygwin SSH server deployed on a remote Windows (in the same LAN).

I'm trying this using:
- plink as method (I've previously installed PuTTY)
- bash as shell-file-name, first [1], but no success
- cmdproxy as shell-file-name, then [2], but no success.

My Cygwin prompt on both the client and server machines is of the form:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
/user@host:path number$
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


[1] Here is what's in my .emacs file:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
      ;; for single shell commands
      (setq shell-file-name
            ;; must be in the `PATH' (Windows users)
            (cond ((executable-find "zsh") "zsh")
                  ((executable-find "bash") "bash")
                  ((executable-find "cmdproxy.exe") "cmdproxy.exe")
                  (t "cmd.exe"))) ;; = system shell

      ;; use `shell-file-name' as the default shell
      (when (try-require 'env)
        (setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name))

      ;; switch used to have the shell execute its command line argument
      ;; (`/c' does not work with XEmacs)
      (setq shell-command-switch
            (cond ((eq shell-file-name "cmd.exe") "/c") ; using a system shell
                  (t "-c")))

      ;; quote process arguments to ensure correct parsing on Windows
      (setq w32-quote-process-args
            (cond ((eq shell-file-name "cmd.exe") nil) ; using a system shell
                  (t t)))

      ;; for the interactive (sub)shell
      (setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name)

      ;; ;; args passed to inferior shell by `M-x shell', if the shell is bash
      ;; (setq explicit-bash-args '("--noediting" "--login"))
      ;; ;; FIXME This ensures that /etc/profile gets read (at least for 
      ;; ;; Is this good?

      ;; regexp to match prompts in the inferior shell
      (setq shell-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *")
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Hence, without doing anything else, I have in fact the same as:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
      (setq shell-file-name "bash")
      (setenv "SHELL" "bash")
      (setq shell-command-switch "-c")
      (setq w32-quote-process-args t)
      (setq explicit-shell-file-name "bash")
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

[2] As the first attempt did not succeed, I tried -- but does it matter? --
using cmdproxy as inferior shell, by evaluating the following:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
      (defun set-shell-cmdproxy()
        (setq shell-file-name "cmdproxy")
        (setq explicit-shell-file-name "cmdproxy")
        (setenv "SHELL" explicit-shell-file-name)
        (setq w32-quote-process-args t)
        (setq shell-command-switch "/c"))

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Still the same (??) problems.

Here is an extract of the debug messages for both trials:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
11:18:13.125000 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection for 
fni@cauchy using plink...
11:18:13.125000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:13.125000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:13.140000 tramp-maybe-open-connection (6) # C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
11:18:13.140000 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Waiting 60s for local shell 
to come up...
11:18:13.140000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.140000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.234000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

11:18:13.234000 tramp-get-file-property (8) #  gateway nil
11:18:13.234000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # temp-file 
11:18:13.234000 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Sending command `plink cauchy 
-l fni  -ssh && exit || exit'
11:18:13.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:13.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:13.234000 tramp-send-command (6) # plink cauchy -l fni  -ssh && exit || 
11:18:13.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:13.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:13.234000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34917 
11:18:13.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:13.234000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # first-password-request t
11:18:13.234000 tramp-process-actions (3) # Waiting for prompts from remote 
11:18:13.281000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:13.281000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.281000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.281000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:13.281000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.281000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try 
again\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:13.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try 
again\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.296000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
11:18:14.703000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.703000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.703000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-password'
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.703000 tramp-action-password (3) # Sending password
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # first-password-request t
11:18:14.703000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # first-password-request t
11:18:18.500000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # first-password-request nil
11:18:18.500000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try 
again\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.500000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.500000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.500000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.515000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try 
again\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.562000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try 
again\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:18.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
11:18:19.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try 
again\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.718000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:19.734000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.734000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.734000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
11:18:19.734000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.734000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:19.734000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try 
again\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.312000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
11:18:20.781000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( 
.*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.781000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.781000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.781000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.781000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.781000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try 
again\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-succeed'
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-process-actions (6) # 
plink cauchy -l fni  -ssh && exit || exit
fni@cauchy's password: 
Last login: Thu Nov  4 11:14:18 2010 from

[?1034h/fni@vpiw-cauchy:~ 0$ 
11:18:20.796000 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Found remote shell prompt on 
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-send-command (6) # exec env ENV='' PROMPT_COMMAND='' 
PS1="$ " PS2='' PS3='' /bin/sh
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34924 
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.796000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.859000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.859000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.906000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.906000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.906000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
exec env ENV='' PROMPT_COMMAND='' PS1="$ " PS2='' PS3='' / 
11:18:20.906000 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting up 
remote shell environment
11:18:20.906000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:20.906000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:20.906000 tramp-send-command (6) # stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U' erase '^H'
11:18:20.906000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:20.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:20.921000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34924 
11:18:20.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:20.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.984000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:20.984000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.031000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.031000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.031000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U' erase '^H'
11:18:21.046000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.046000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.046000 tramp-send-command (6) # echo foo
11:18:21.046000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.046000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:21.046000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.046000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.046000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.046000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.109000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.109000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.109000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.109000 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting 
shell prompt
11:18:21.109000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.109000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.109000 tramp-send-command (6) # 
11:18:21.109000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.109000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:21.109000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.109000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.109000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.109000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.171000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.171000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.171000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.171000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.171000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.171000 tramp-send-command (6) # PS2=''
11:18:21.171000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.171000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:21.171000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.171000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.171000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.171000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.234000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.234000 tramp-send-command (6) # PS3=''
11:18:21.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:21.234000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.234000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.296000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.296000 tramp-send-command (6) # PROMPT_COMMAND=''
11:18:21.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:21.296000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.296000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.343000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.343000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.359000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.359000 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Determining 
coding system
11:18:21.359000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.359000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.359000 tramp-send-command (6) # echo foo ; echo bar
11:18:21.359000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.359000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:21.359000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.359000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.359000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.359000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.421000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.421000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.421000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.421000 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting 
coding system to `utf-8-dos' and `utf-8-unix'
11:18:21.421000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.421000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.421000 tramp-send-command (6) # set +o vi +o emacs
11:18:21.421000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.421000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:21.421000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.421000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.421000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.421000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.468000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.468000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.468000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.484000 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Checking 
system information
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # uname CYGWIN_NT-5.0 
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.484000 tramp-send-command (6) # echo \"`uname -sr`\" 2>/dev/null; echo 
tramp_exit_status $? 
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
11:18:21.484000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.484000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
"CYGWIN_NT-5.0 1.7.7(0.230/5/3)"
tramp_exit_status 0
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # uname CYGWIN_NT-5.0 
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize undef
11:18:21.609000 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Checking 
remote host type for `send-process-string' bug
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # uname CYGWIN_NT-5.0 
11:18:21.609000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # chunksize 0
11:18:21.609000 tramp-set-remote-path (5) # Setting $PATH environment variable
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-path (/bin /usr/bin 
/usr/sbin /usr/local/bin)
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-send-command (6) # 
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize 0
11:18:21.609000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.609000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.671000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.671000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.671000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.687000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-shell nil
11:18:21.687000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.687000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.687000 tramp-send-command (6) # echo ~root
11:18:21.687000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.687000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize 0
11:18:21.687000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.687000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.687000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.687000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.750000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-path (/bin /usr/bin 
/usr/sbin /usr/local/bin)
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.750000 tramp-send-command (6) # which \bash | wc -w
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize 0
11:18:21.750000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.750000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.921000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
11:18:21.921000 tramp-find-shell (5) # Starting remote shell `\bash' for tilde 
11:18:21.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:21.937000 tramp-send-command (6) # PROMPT_COMMAND='' PS1="$ " PS2='' 
PS3='' exec \bash
11:18:21.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:21.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize 0
11:18:21.937000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34925 
11:18:21.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:21.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:21.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:22.500000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:22.500000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:22.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:22.921000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:22.921000 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 

[?1034h/fni@vpiw-cauchy:~ 0$ 
11:18:22.937000 tramp-find-shell (5) # Setting remote shell prompt...
11:18:22.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:22.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
11:18:22.937000 tramp-send-command (6) # 
11:18:22.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
11:18:22.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize 0
11:18:22.937000 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (19666 34926 
11:18:22.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
11:18:22.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:22.937000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:23.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:23.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:24.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:24.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:25.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:25.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:26.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:26.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:27.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:27.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:28.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:28.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:29.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:29.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:30.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:30.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:31.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:31.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:32.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:32.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:33.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:33.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:34.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:34.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:35.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:35.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:36.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:36.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:37.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:37.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:38.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:38.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:39.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:39.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:40.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:40.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:41.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:41.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:42.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:42.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:43.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:43.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:44.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:44.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:45.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:45.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:46.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:46.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:47.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:47.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:48.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:48.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:49.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:49.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:50.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:50.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:51.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:51.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:52.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:52.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:53.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:53.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:54.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:54.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:55.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:55.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:56.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:56.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:57.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:57.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:58.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:58.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:59.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:18:59.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:00.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:00.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:01.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:01.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:02.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:02.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:03.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:03.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:04.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:04.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:05.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:05.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:06.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:06.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:07.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:07.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:08.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:08.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:09.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:09.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:10.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:10.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:11.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:11.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:12.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:12.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:13.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:13.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:14.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:14.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:15.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:15.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:16.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:16.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:17.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:17.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:18.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:18.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:19.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:19.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:20.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:20.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:21.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:21.062000 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
11:19:28.578000 tramp-flush-file-property (8) # /
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Can you give me hints on how to achieve this?

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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