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Re: regexp hell

From: Filipp Gunbin
Subject: Re: regexp hell
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2012 11:25:42 +0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.1299999999999999 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.2 (cygwin)

On 28/12/2012 10:57, B. T. Raven wrote:

> I am trying to byte-compile my .emacs for the first time and I see the
> complaint "replace-string is to be used interactively..." or something.
> I am using the form:
>   (replace-string "\\" "\\\\" nil (point-min) (point-max))
> in a function and it seems to work but I can't make any equivalent re's
> work in re-search-forward (the suggested equivalent  to be used in a
> lisp programm). I can't get past the "trailing backslash" error. Is
> there something kosher for the above replace-string form?
> Thanks,
> Ed

You can use `search-forward' (which searches for string, not for regexp),
as it is suggested in documentation for `replace-string':

  (while (search-forward FROM-STRING nil t)
    (replace-match TO-STRING nil t))

Then with the above strings it should replace one backslash with two.

But if you still need to write a regexp, it seems that you need to
double the amount of backslashes. To include a backslash in a regexp you
need to prefix it with another backslash and each backslash should be
prefixed with another one when written in a lisp program (so, 4
backslashes in a program for a single one in regexp).

Filipp Gunbin

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