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Re: isearch and yank word doubt

From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: Re: isearch and yank word doubt
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:30:12 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv: Gecko/20120306 Thunderbird/3.1.20

On 5/31/13 1:32 AM, Sebastien Vauban wrote:
Kevin Rodgers wrote:
On 5/30/13 12:42 AM, Luca Ferrari wrote:
Hi all,
according to the manual the C-s C-w yanks the next word the cursor is
on as the string to search with isearch. Often I found myself having
the cursor in the middle of a word, so I have to go back to the
beginning and then do the yank, is there a better way to instrument
C-s C-w to get the word the cursor is in?

I like it!
One detail I don't like in the above: when C-s C-w'ing, it directly jumps to
the next occurrence of the searched string. I find it'd be better if it'd stay
on the current word, highlighting it completely.

That may be very difficult to implement, and it doesn't make sense to
me: isearch by definition searches the buffer from point to the end, so
if the search string includes text preceding point it cannot match the
occurrence that straddles point.

Of course, the occurrence that straddles point is eventually matched if
the search is wrapped past the end of the buffer.  And even before
wrapping, the occurrence is highlighted with the lazy-highlight face --
although it may no longer be visible, depending on how far away is the
next occurrence.

That highlighting does seem intuitive, so I'll try to come up with a clean
implementation of the behavior you want (that does not actually move point
out of the middle of the word)...

Kevin Rodgers
Denver, Colorado, USA

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