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Re: Circular lists/shared structures in org-element parse-tree

From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Circular lists/shared structures in org-element parse-tree
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 23:26:03 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)

Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:

> [Originally posted on the Org-mode mailing list, but I post it here too
> since it is more an elisp oriented mailing list]
> Hi List, 
> I wonder how I can find out in a (elisp) program the points in the parse
> tree (returned by org-element-parse-buffer) where shared structures are
> used. 
> In the read-syntax, its easy to see (especially with `print-circle' set
> to non-nil):
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   #2=(org-data nil #1=(headline (:raw-value "header 1"
>    [...] :parent #2#) [...]  
> #+end_src
> but when processing the parse tree as a list in elisp, how can I detect the
> fact that 
> ,------------
> | :parent #2#
> `------------
> refers to 
> ,-----------------
> | #2=(org-data nil
> `-----------------
> i.e. points back to an already existing structure?

1- there is not a unique solution in general: it depends on the order in
   which you choose to walk the branches.

2- you just walk the cons tree, checking if you've not already visited

Something like this:

(let* ((counter 0)
       (objects (make-hash-table)))
   (labels ((walk (object)
              (let ((reference (gethash object objects))))
                 (if reference
                   (already-seen object reference))
                     (new-reference object
                                    (setf (gethash object objects) (incf 
                       ((vector object)  
                         (dotimes (i (length vector))
                           (walk (aref vector i))))
                       ((cons object)
                        (walk (car object))
                        (walk (cdr object)))
                       ( ; you may also want to walk structures,
                         ; hashtable, etc
      (walk root)))

If you don't want to generate references for objects present only once,
then you can transform this in a two-pass algorithm where you first fill
the hash-table with a counter of occurence:

  (incf (gethash object objects 0))

and then only keep and renumber the entries that have a value greater
than 1.

__Pascal Bourguignon__           
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.  
You know you've been lisping too long when you see a recent picture of George 
Lucas and think "Wait, I thought John McCarthy was dead!" -- Dalek_Baldwin

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