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Re: beginner questions

From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: beginner questions
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 15:45:30 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)

JohnF <> writes:

> Pascal J. Bourguignon <> wrote:
>> JohnF <> writes:
>>> Two more questions, please. First (as also mentioned in post
>>> further down this thread), when I earlier said that fundamental-mode
>>> stops parentheses matching, I'd only actually checked <stuff>.
>>> Unfortunately, it still matches (stuff), [stuff], {stuff}.
>>> Any way to turn that all off?
>> M-x customize-variable RET blink-matching-paren RET
> Thanks again, Pascal. That works great (and the elisp example
> it provides by rewriting the .emacs file is terrific, too).
> Only rhetorical question is why I couldn't manage to find that while
> trying to google the answer myself, before posting the question.
>>>    Secondly, I figured I could easily get that fundamental-mode, as
>>> well as other initializations, into .emacs by myself with a little
>>> googling. But I tried all of (separately and together)
>>>    ; -*- mode: Fundamental;-*-
> Aside: I'm sure you realize I'm writing (trying to write)
>    "; [dash][asterisk][dash] mode: etc"
> above, although it shows up on my reader as a bold asterisk
> without dashes.

Yes. But (eq 'Fundamental 'fundamental) --> nil ; in emacs lisp.

>>    ;; -*- mode: fundamental;-*-
> I thought I'd googled that particular "executable comment" with
> one semicolon, but I'm currently failing to re-locate the page
> that contained the explanation. I'd understood it kind of like
> a postscript file comment that actually gets interpreted.
> Anyway, I changed it to two semicolons like you suggest,
> and it seems to work (both ways, as far as I can tell).

(info "(elisp) Comment Tips")

>>>    (setq-default major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
>>>    (setq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
>> M-x customize-variable RET default-major-mode RET
> That coughs up a [No match], although it does recognize
> a major-mode variable. But that's already set to
> fundamental-mode, probably thanks to your auto-mode-alist
> suggestion below, which solved the problem.
>>>    (fundamental-mode)
>>> and nothing works. Still comes up in its own default mode.
>> You should also set auto-mode-alist
>>   (setq auto-mode-alist '(("." . fundamental-mode)))
> Yup, that solved the problem. And googling your answers
> (e.g., googling blink-matching-paren) nicely fills in the
> explanations of what's going on (once I know the answer,
> it's a lot easier to google it:). Now I'll have to find a
> quick-and-dirty elisp tutorial (tried googling bnf elisp,
> but could only find useful stuff for bnf lisp) to learn
> just enough to init emacs entirely to my liking.

An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp  or  M-: (info 
"(eintr)Top") RET
(for non-programmers)

Emacs Lisp Manual  or  M-: (info 
"(elisp)Top") RET

> But, thanks mostly to your answers here, I can now see that's
> all easily do-able, and can probably easily figure out how.
> Thanks again,

__Pascal Bourguignon__

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