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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Filter script using PHP

From: Bill Neely
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Filter script using PHP
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 10:23:54 -0700
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.2)

Thanks for the help. We have come up with the following example of a working php
script. Here it is for anybody else who needs it.

One of the things we discovered is that is very important to include the line
feed after the write to stdout.

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
10-04-05 IMC

We write a filter program that reads its standard input line by line.
Each input line must consist of exactly two words: the user name and the calling
station ID.
For each input line, the program prints 0 if the {user_name, id} is found in the
database and 1 otherwise.
Then it will look like:

//declare vars
$rad_mysql_server = "localhost";
$rad_mysql_db = "dbname";
$rad_mysql_user = "user";
$rad_mysql_pass = "pass";
$db_connect = true;
$MAX_PORTS = 100;

ob_start();  //buffer output so php doesn't barf into radius

//get IO handlers setup
$fp = fopen("/usr/local/etc/raddb/port_check_log", "a");
$stdout = fopen('php://stdout', 'w');
$stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');

if( ! $rad_dbcp = mysql_connect($rad_mysql_server, $rad_mysql_user,
$rad_mysql_pass) )
        fwrite($fp, "Database Connection Failer " . mysql_error($rad_dbcp) . 
        $db_connect = false;

if ($stdin)
  while (!feof($stdin))
  //Filter Loop stdin as long as radiusd is running
      $buffer = fgets($stdin, 4096);
      fwrite($fp, ":$i:$buffer:\n");
      $buffer = trim($buffer);
      $username = strtok($buffer, " ");
      //$second_parameter = strtok(" ");

      $query_string = "whatever";
                         if($db_connect && $result =
                                        //$num_ports = mysql_num_rows($result);
                                        $row_array = mysql_fetch_array($result, 
                                        $num_ports = $row_array[0];
                                        fwrite($fp, "ports check: 

                                        if($MAX_PORTS < $num_ports)
                                                fwrite($fp, "reject 
                                                //Reject Login
                                                fwrite($stdout, "1\n");
                                                fwrite($fp, "accept 
                                                //Accept Login
                                                fwrite($stdout, "0\n");
                         //Unable to check so lets approve
                                        fwrite($fp, "DB not connected or query 
failed: $query_string ||" .
mysql_error($rad_dbcp) . "\n");
                                        //Accept Login
                                        fwrite($stdout, "0\n");
         //end while


if($db_connect) {  //if db connected close

//close output handler

//dump output buffer
$out = ob_get_clean();
fwrite($fp, "output buffer: $out\n");
//Clean Exit


Quoting Sergey Poznyakoff <address@hidden>:

Bill Neely <address@hidden> wrote:

Does anyone have an example of a filter script written in PHP. I can;t figure
out what to pass back to have the filter accept or reject the user.

Though I don't have a PHP example, I can suggest you to visit the
following page:

It contains a detailed discussion of Radius filters with a sample filter
written in Bourne shell. It should not be too hard to convert this
sample to PHP.


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