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[Help-gnunet] severe performance problems

From: David Kuehling
Subject: [Help-gnunet] severe performance problems
Date: 17 Sep 2005 20:36:28 +0200


I got a DSL flatrate some month ago, and am now trying to set up a
permanent GNUnet node using gnunet-0.7.0.  I have stumbled into some
minor problems (like gnunet-setup -d only saving default seettings), but
currently the worst problem is that my server almost comes to a halt
after GNUnet running for 43 hours.  I'm quite new to GNUnet, so maybe
somebody more experienced can help?

My system is:

   PentiumPro 200MHz, 160 Mb RAM, running Debian Sarge, debianized
   kernel 2.6.8-2-686
/var/lib/GNUnet is a symlink to a directory on a 40Gb Disk with one
single partition ("reiserfs format "3.6" with standard journal; using
ordered data mode"), which is accessed via dm-crypt (aes-128), maximum
throughput I can achieve (hdparm -t) is 2.7Mb/s due to slow encryption.
Disk is the only disk on the secondary IDE controller.  No other process
relies on that disk partition.  I tried enabling unmasq-irq without any
change.  Kernel uses the deadline I/O scheduler.

hdparm /dev/hdc:

 multcount    = 16 (on)
 IO_support   =  3 (32-bit w/sync)
 unmaskirq    =  1 (on)
 using_dma    =  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 readonly     =  0 (off)
 readahead    =  8 (on)
 geometry     = 65535/16/63, sectors = 80418240, start = 0

hdparm /dev/mapper/cbig

 readonly     =  0 (off)
 readahead    = 256 (on)

(Just tried reducing the "readahead" value, but that doesn't seem to

GNUnet is configured for SQLite and runs as user "gnunet", group
"nogroup".  Size of datastore is set to 10Gb.  gnunetd.conf is attached.
top shows a very high CPU usage:

Cpu(s): 92.7% us,  4.8% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.7% wa,  0.4% hi,  1.4% s

Although no process is shown that actually uses the CPU that much.
gnunetd is constantly at 0.0% (and I never saw more usage)!  How's that
possible?  Permanent forking and killing of processes? :)

First lines of top (sorted by %CPU):

 1919 nobody    15   0  3852 1920 3264 S  1.9  1.2   4:26.48 openvpn
13369 root      15   0  1512  440 1352 S  1.2  0.3   3:24.54 pppoe
22819 root      17   0  2068 1056 1852 R  1.2  0.7   0:01.25 top
13857 spock     16   0  5000 1496 4208 S  0.3  0.9   0:01.92 screen
22993 root      22   0  3656 2232 2244 R  0.3  1.4   0:00.09 ld

First lines of top (sorted by %MEM):

  419 gnunet    16   0  136m  70m 5164 S  0.0 45.4   0:07.94 gnunetd
19967 root      17   0 16556  12m  11m S  0.0  7.9   0:11.36 aptitude
17199 proxy     16   0  9352 4924 3264 S  0.0  3.1   2:05.79 squid
17141 bind      18   0 29980 3044 4248 S  0.0  1.9   0:00.02 named
 6832 root      16   0  8964 2036 5844 S  0.0  1.3   0:02.05 cupsd

Although gnunet uses horribly much memory, quite enough memory is still

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        159464     157084       2380          0      16988      29908
-/+ buffers/cache:     110188      49276
Swap:        72568      23040      49528

cat /proc/loadavg

4.24 4.68 4.61 5/101 23500

Opening a man-page takes 30 seconds; running a configure script takes
more than half an hour.  Luckily, all the NFS-mounted partitions from
the server are still quite accessible.

GNUnet shows some strange numbers in gnunet-stats:

# bytes received via UDP                                    :        266774743
# bytes sent via UDP                                        :        631425234
# bytes dropped by UDP (outgoing)                           :           283328
# bytes received via TCP                                    :        223302987
# bytes sent via TCP                                        :        435363595
# bytes dropped by TCP (outgoing)                           :       1123510868
# bytes received via HTTP                                   :         26034777
# bytes sent via HTTP                                       :         43153134
# bytes dropped by HTTP (outgoing)                          :        211916260

Why are so many bytes dropped via HTTP and TCP (more than actually

BTW is it a problem for GNUnet that the pppoe internet connection
reconnects once in 24 hours with the interface getting a new IP address?

Sorry for the somewhat lenghly mail.  Any help would be appreciated.  


GnuPG public key:
Fingerprint: B17A DC95 D293 657B 4205  D016 7DEF 5323 C174 7D40

Attachment: gnunetd.conf
Description: Binary data

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