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Re: address changes on function call

From: Evan
Subject: Re: address changes on function call
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 15:57:57 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

Right, unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case.
Nevertheless, here is the signature of get_row2():

 void get_row2(unsigned i, VectorN& result) const;

and here is the definition of VectorN:

class VectorN
    template <class ForwardIterator>
    VectorN(ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end);

    VectorN(unsigned N);
    VectorN(const VectorN& source);
    VectorN(VectorN& source);
    VectorN(const Vector2& v);
    VectorN(const Vector3& v);
    VectorN(const SVector6& v);
    VectorN(unsigned N, const Real* array);
    VectorN(unsigned N, boost::shared_array<Real> array);
    static VectorN construct_variable(unsigned N, ...);
    virtual ~VectorN() {}
    virtual Real dot(const VectorN& v) const { return dot(*this, v); }
    static Real dot(const VectorN& v1, const VectorN& v2);
    VectorN& normalize() { assert(norm() > 0.0); operator*=(1.0/norm
()); return *this; }
    static VectorN normalize(const VectorN& v);
    unsigned size() const { return _len; }
    static Real norm(const VectorN& v);
    static Real norm_sq(const VectorN& v) { return VectorN::dot(v,
v); }
    Real norm() const { return norm(*this); }
    Real norm_sq() const { return norm_sq(*this); }
    static VectorN one(unsigned N);
    MatrixN* outer_prod(const VectorN& v, MatrixN* m) const { return
outer_prod(*this, v, m); }
    static MatrixN* outer_prod(const VectorN& v1, const VectorN& v2,
MatrixN* m);
    static VectorN concat(const VectorN& v1, const VectorN& v2);
    static VectorN& concat(const VectorN& v1, const VectorN& v2,
VectorN& result);
    VectorN& augment(const VectorN& v);
    VectorN& resize(unsigned N, bool preserve = false);
    VectorN& set_zero();
    VectorN& set_one();
    VectorN get_sub_vec(unsigned start_idx, unsigned end_idx) const;
    VectorN& get_sub_vec(unsigned start_idx, unsigned end_idx,
VectorN& v) const;
    VectorN& set_sub_vec(unsigned start_idx, const VectorN& v);
    static VectorN zero(unsigned n);
    bool is_finite() const;
    VectorN& negate();
    VectorN& operator=(const Vector3& source);
    VectorN& operator=(VectorN& source);
    VectorN& operator=(const VectorN& source);
    VectorN operator+(const VectorN& v) const;
    VectorN& operator+=(const VectorN& v);
    VectorN operator-(const VectorN& v) const;
    VectorN& operator-=(const VectorN& v);
    VectorN operator*(Real scalar) const;
    VectorN& operator*=(Real scalar);
    VectorN operator/(Real scalar) const;
    VectorN& operator/=(Real scalar) { return operator*=(1.0/
scalar); }
    VectorN operator-() const;
    Real& operator[](const unsigned i) { assert(i < _len); return _data
[i]; }
    Real operator[](const unsigned i) const { assert(i < _len); return
_data[i]; }
    Real* data() { return _data.get(); }
    const Real* data() const { return _data.get(); }
    bool operator<(const VectorN& v) const;
    bool operator==(const VectorN& v) const;
    static bool epsilon_equals(const VectorN& v1, const VectorN& v2,
Real epsilon);
    bool epsilon_equals(const VectorN& v, Real epsilon) const;
    static VectorN parse(const std::string& s);

    template <class ForwardIterator>
    VectorN select(ForwardIterator idx_begin, ForwardIterator idx_end)

    template <class ForwardIterator>
    VectorN& select(ForwardIterator idx_begin, ForwardIterator
idx_end, VectorN& v) const;

    template <class ForwardIterator>
    VectorN& set(ForwardIterator idx_begin, ForwardIterator idx_end,
const VectorN& v);

    /// Sets this to a n-length zero vector
    VectorN& set_zero(unsigned n) { return resize(n).set_zero(); }

    /// Sets this to a n-length ones vector
    VectorN& set_one(unsigned n) { return resize(n).set_one(); }

    /// Gets iterator to the start of the data
    Real* begin() { return &_data[0]; }

    /// Gets constant iterator to the start of the data
    const Real* begin() const { return &_data[0]; }

    /// Gets iterator to the end of the data
    Real* end() { return &_data[0] + _len; }

    /// Gets constant iterator to the end of the data
    const Real* end() const { return &_data[0] + _len; }

    /// Copies the source vector
    VectorN& copy(const VectorN& source) { return operator=(source); }

    /// Swaps this vector with another
    void swap(VectorN& source) { std::swap(_data, source._data);
std::swap(_len, source._len); std::swap(_capacity,
source._capacity); }

    static bool rel_equal(Real x, Real y);
    boost::shared_array<Real> _data;
    unsigned _len;
    unsigned _capacity;
}; // end class

Thanks for looking at this.  I did try compiling with three different
versions of g++ (4.1, 4.2, and 4.3).  All give the same problem.  Very

Thanks again,

> You should show us the definition of VectorN and the signature of
> get_row2.
> This could occur if VectorN inherit from multiple superclasses, and
> get_row2 takes one in parameter as reference.  Other cases are
> certainly possible.
> --
> __Pascal Bourguignon__

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