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question about digest-md5 implementation

From: Adam Goode
Subject: question about digest-md5 implementation
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 02:32:28 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071115)


I have been debugging the SASL implementation in some programs, and
discovered a common bug in some SASL libraries.

Digest-MD5, as given by RFC2831, has a weird special case here:

   The "username-value", "realm-value" and "passwd" are encoded
   according to the value of the "charset" directive. If "charset=UTF-8"
   is present, and all the characters of either "username-value" or
   "passwd" are in the ISO 8859-1 character set, then it must be
   converted to ISO 8859-1 before being hashed. This is so that
   authentication databases that store the hashed username, realm and
   password (which is common) can be shared compatibly with HTTP, which
   specifies ISO 8859-1. A sample implementation of this conversion is
   in section 8.

It looks like gsasl also has this bug, where this reencoding is not
implemented. Is this true? I have looked through the code, but I can't
be sure.

Note that the RFC as quoted above is a bit misleading. While it says
that username-value and passwd must be converted, the realm-value should
also be converted. (This is what Cyrus-SASL and Java do.)



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