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Re: [Help-gsl] gsl ode systems

From: Jochen Küpper
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] gsl ode systems
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:44:47 +0200

On 18.04.2008, at 01:23, address@hidden wrote:

Hi, does anyone know good tutorial about how to solve systems of ode equations. I tried the gsl-ref, it seems not to have any explanation how to code a particular system of odes or jacobian.

In the manual, section 25.5 there is the following example. What else do you need?

The following program solves the second-order nonlinear Van der Pol
oscillator equation,

     x''(t) + \mu x'(t) (x(t)^2 - 1) + x(t) = 0

This can be converted into a first order system suitable for use with
the routines described in this chapter by introducing a separate
variable for the velocity, y = x'(t),

     x' = y
     y' = -x + \mu y (1-x^2)

The program begins by defining functions for these derivatives and
their Jacobian,


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