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sh.exe and make

From: Jagadish Prasad
Subject: sh.exe and make
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 16:57:00 -0700

Hello All,

I have a rule

depends := $(foreach dir, $(DIRLIST), $(wildcard $(dir)/*.java))

foo.jar: $(depends)
        $(JAVAC) $(JAVAOPTS) -d $(CLASSESROOT) $?
        $(CD) $(CLASSESROOT) $(JAR) cf $(JARROOT)/$@ $(FOO_PKG)

The list for files in $(depends) is quite huge, so when it comes to the compile line some files get truncated.

Eg. $(depends) := ....lots of files...

The output during compilation would be

javac -classpath SOME_JAR_FILES -d /vobs/oss_bin/build/classes ....lots of files...

So if you notice and are never listed and the compilation fails. I feel this is due to the limitation of the bourne shell sh.exe on NT. I am wondering if there are any shells out there in the public domain that i can use which can take care of this problem.

There is a workaround to run find *.java > filelist and compile using $(JAVAC) -d $(CLASSESROOT) @filelist. I do not want to take this approach, since we use clearmake and a successive build in another view would always rebuild due to sibling objects unable to be winked in.

I tried cygwin shell. But it requires the Drive letter part of it. One cannot simply cd to /vobs/oss_bin/build in a cygwin shell it says cant lstat or something like that. if i cd one directory at a time it seems to be working. I cannot seem to use the absolute path. Tried even cygwin bash.

I am looking for something as simple as the mkstookit shell. Where if you cd to a drive Eg G:. you can navigate to any directory by using absolute path /vobs/oss_bin/build/classes as opposed to //G/vobs/oss_bin/build which gives lstat error in cygwin.

Any help in pointing to a shell that will meet my requirement or any suggestions to handle this in a different way will be appreciated.


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