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Re: use of wildcard function recursively

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: use of wildcard function recursively
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 07:55:16 -0500

%% "Aditya Kher" <address@hidden> writes:

  >> Is there any way to use wildcard to *find recursively* under given path
  >> e.g.

  ak> Folks, I found out that we can do it using shell
  ak> thus

  ak> SOURCES = (shell <path> -name "*.c" )

You're missing a "$" before "(shell ...", and you forgot the "find"
command.  Also, you should definitely prefer simple expansion here
(using ":=" instead of "=").

  ak> but I have a followup question, does the variables in Make have a
  ak> upper limit on how large a string they can store? this is
  ak> especially important since shell variables tend to overflow after
  ak> certain length of string.

No, there is no maximum length of a variable value in GNU make.

There isn't one in the shell, either.  You may be thinking of C shell
where a single word (like a value for PATH) can be at most 1024 chars.
This is a limitation in C shell though, which is a bad shell; make does
not use C shell for anything (unless you set SHELL = /bin/csh in your
makefile, which you should definitely NOT do).

Or, you may be thinking of the maximum size of the environment
(env. vars + command line etc.)  This is only relevant when actually
invoking a new process, and it's a kernel-level limit (that means it
doesn't matter what your program is: shell, make, whatever: the limit is
the same for everything).

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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