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Using the call and eval functions

From: gmake
Subject: Using the call and eval functions
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2006 08:31:29 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)


Following is a make file I am using to understand the usage of teh call
and eval functions. Based on what I understand from the manual, the
PROGRAM_template function should get called, and the target program1
should be built. When I execute this, the debug prints (from $(warning
...) ) get called, but the rule to make target is still not found:

    Makefile:13: target=program1 OBJS=$(program1_OBJS)
    Makefile:14: target=program1 OBJS=$(program1_OBJS)
    Makefile:15: target=program1 OBJS=$(program1_OBJS)
    Makefile:16: target=program1 OBJS=$(program1_OBJS)
    make: *** No rule to make target `program1', needed by `all'.  Stop.

Can anyone help?

Best regards,

PROGRAMS = program1

program1_OBJS = program11.o program12.o

.PHONY: all
all: $(PROGRAMS)

define PROGRAM_template
$(warning target=$(1) OBJS=$$($(1)_OBJS))
$(1): $$($(1)_OBJS)
        @echo cc -g -o $@ $^

$(foreach prog,$(PROGRAMS),$(eval $(call PROGRAM_template,$(prog))))
$(foreach prog,$(PROGRAMS),$(call PROGRAM_template,$(prog)))
$(eval $(call PROGRAM_template,program1))
$(call PROGRAM_template,program1)

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