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$(wildcard ) evaluation

From: Rinehart, Raleigh
Subject: $(wildcard ) evaluation
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 12:26:20 -0500

I’m having a small issue with my builds, specifically the way a variable is getting expanded.  I suspect it is due to make’s caching of the directory contents.


In my makefile I have a variable defined like this:


outfiles = $(wildcard *.out)


which gets used later in the makefile like this:


define artifacts

@echo moving build artifacts for target $(1)

@$(MD) output/$(1)

@echo --- .out files are = $(outfiles)

   -$(CP) $(outfiles) output/$(1)





The artifact macro is in turn called by a build rule as follows:



            @echo -----Release build-----

            @$(MAKE) -f $(makefile_name) clean OBJECTONLY=y

            @$(MAKE) -f $(makefile_name) $(releasedefs)

            $(call artifacts,$@)


The default target builds the .out

#build phoenix base code

projectA.out: ../project/src/main.o \

             $(libraries) \

             sharedlibs \


            @echo building $@

            @echo LD $@ $<

            @$(LD) -Tlink_ram_asic.ld -Map -o $@ $< --start-group $(APPLIBS) $(LIBS) --end-group


Now when I run something like “make release” the out files don’t get copied because the wildcard variable seems to be getting expanded immediately instead of deferred.

The echo output is empty --- .out files are =

So I am missing something completely obvious or what?





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