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Re: Octave SLOW

From: udina
Subject: Re: Octave SLOW
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 17:26:01 +0100 (MET)

:~>  I am trying Octave 1.1.0, and it seems to be much slower than MATLAB.
:~>I get longer running times on an Alpha with Octave than on a 33MHz
:~>486 PC with Matlab. Any comments?
Well, at that moment I only can compare matlab 4.0 running in a HP-750
versus octave 1.1.0 running in a HP-735. This second machine is faster
than the first because the clock speed. 
I estimate that there is a factor about 2 or 3 (it's a
new machine at home!)

        < M A T L A B (tm) >           Octave, version 1.1.0.                
          Version 4.0                  ...                             
>> tic; inv(rand(50,50));toc        octave:1> tic; inv(rand(50,50));toc

elapsed_time =                       ans = 0.043408                        
>> tic; inv(rand(100,100));toc       octave:2> tic; inv(rand(100,100));toc 
elapsed_time =                       ans = 0.15567                         
>> tic; inv(rand(150,150));toc       octave:3> tic; inv(rand(150,150));toc 
elapsed_time =                       ans = 0.45370                         

So it looks like Octave is slower in the overhead part but 
not in the numerical part (?) No conclusions from such a primitive and
quick test might be drawn... 

Anyway, matlab is in his 4.0 version, and octave in 1.1!!! And it's
free, matlab is horribly expensive for what you get.

BTW: why octave says 
warning: tic: ignoring extra arguments
warning: toc: ignoring extra arguments

when I call tic?

Frederic Udina
                                    |     voice: 34 - 3 - 542 17 56
Facultat de Ciencies Economiques    |       fax: 34 - 3 - 542 17 46
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