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Re: help octave

From: niles
Subject: Re: help octave
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 95 10:13:48 -0400

>Can anyone help me with using "fscanf".

Sure, first it's fscanf not "fscan", but I assume
you knew that. Try:

>kk = fopen("num","r");
>k = fscanf(kk,"pp = %f")
k = 898
>k = fscanf(kk,"\nuiu = %f")   % Newline char. added.
k = 8990

There a newline character in there you forgot about.

Also, doesn't it seem a bit redundent to say "pp = 898" in your data
file and then read it looking for that exact string?  Why not just put
898 in the file?

        Hope this helps,
        Rick Niles.

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