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liboctave questions

From: Andrew Smallbone
Subject: liboctave questions
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 11:08:56 GMT

I've just started using libctave and have a few questions:

1.      Although the Array is a templated class arrays of floats don't
seem to work (the resize() method doesn't exist).  Should Arrays be
able to work with other types?

2.      I'm using liboctave under Solaris and had problems linking
(the f77 functions didn't have underscores added) until I manually set 
`#define F77_FCN(f) f' should configure have worked this out automatically or is
there an option?

3.      I can't make liboctave and libcruft under linux.  configure
complains It `couldn't find termios.h, termio.h, or sgtty.h!' even
though they're in /usr/include.  Has any one got libraries or know of
a site where precompiled versions exist?

4.      The ansers probably no, but is there any more information
about using liboctave apart from the info pages and header files?


ps. I believe I successfully subscribed myself to this group but
haven't seen any traffic, so would appreciate a direct copy of any
replies to address@hidden

       Andrew Smallbone <address@hidden>
London  Para||el  Applications  Centre +44 171 975 5168
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