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To parametrize a file location

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: To parametrize a file location
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 03:10:05 -0600 (CST)

On 25-Feb-1999, Daniel Tourde <address@hidden> wrote:

| I would like to parametrize where I could store a plot with Octave.
| I tried something like this after having ploted what I want on the
| screen but it does not work.
|       gset term postscript eps color
|       cmdoutput = sprintf("/home/lorient/ffa/ase/Mach_%.2f/OL.eps",Mach);
|       gset output eval(cmdoutput)
|       replot
| Does anyone has an idea ?


  gset term postscript eps color
  eval (sprintf ("gset output /home/lorient/ffa/ase/Mach_%.2f/OL.eps", Mach));

| PS : BTW I am under the impression that the length of the string to
| determine where a .eps file will be stored is limited. Is it true ? Is
| there a way to increase the length of the string considered ?

I don't know of any such limitation in Octave.  Does gnuplot complain
that the file name is too long?


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