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From: gnalle
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 15:14:01 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Last year, the following was posted to the list:

On  3-Jun-1998, Karen L. Kalat <address@hidden> wrote:

| I'm having trouble turning a character array in C++ into
| a returnable Octave value.  If I have a variable, say 
| char[100] in my C function, how do I translate it to an octave type?
| Also , how would I return an Array or Matrix of strings?

According to the answer Karen should use the C++library oct.h:

As I understand (correct me if I am wrong) the answer creates a file
that can be retrieved using load. My question is: How does such a
datafile look. Will somebody please such a simple file on this list.

PS: Can such a file include both a vector and a matrix

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