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Re: disp() to a file?

From: Paul Kienzle
Subject: Re: disp() to a file?
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 09:54:38 +0100 (BST)

From: "John W. Eaton" <address@hidden>
>On  2-May-2000, Paul Kienzle <address@hidden> wrote:
>| How do I print to a file from an m-file without knowing the type of the
>| thing I'm printing?  disp(x) works fine to the terminal.  I seem to want
>| disp(x,fid).
>OK, in the current (2.1.x, CVS) sources, fdisp is now an M-file that
>does this:
>  function fdisp (fid, x)
>    if (nargin == 2)
>      fid << x << "\n";
>    else
>      usage ("fdisp (fid, x)");
>    endif
>  endfunction
> ...

Sorry to be so fickle, but I actually want it in a string.  I've done
this with:

#include <octave/oct.h>
#include <octave/oct-strstrm.h>

DEFUN_DLD (pretty, args, ,
"str = pretty (v)\n\
Equivalent to x=disp(v), but disp doesn't return a value ...")
  octave_value_list retval;

  int nargin = args.length ();

  if (nargin == 1) 
      octave_ostrstream ostr;
      args(0).print (*ostr.output_stream(), false);
      char *tmp = ostr.str ();
      retval(0) = tmp;
      delete [] tmp;
    print_usage ("pretty");

  return retval;

Paul Kienzle

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