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Re: Octave & PLplot

From: João Cardoso
Subject: Re: Octave & PLplot
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 00:16:58 +0000

On Sunday 18 November 2001 10:03, Ted Harding wrote:
| Many thanks to Dirk Eddelbuettel and Roberto
| Hernandez for help with "matwrap".
| I now have octave_plpot basically working.
| However, I have (at least) one problem:
| When the Tcl/Tk window device is requested,
| I get the message:
| -------
| X server insecure (must use xauth-style authorization);
|   command ignored while executing
| "send $client "set server_name [list $server_name]""
|     (procedure "plserver_link_init" line 25)
|     invoked from within
| "plserver_link_init"
|     (procedure "plserver_init" line 81)
|     invoked from within
| "plserver_init"
| -------
| Any advice on how to prevent this? Some change
| to one of the Tcl/Tk files, maybe? Or is this
| coming from my own installation of Tcl/Tk?

Yes. If you don't want X security, you must recompile Tk without 
security. Search unix/Makefile for "security" and rebuild/reinstall.

| I'm not interested in X-server security: all this
| is going on within a "domestic" LAN where the only
| security problem is my tendency to mis-type things!

But it is so simple (after doing it -- it was a nightmare for me! :)
If you use "xdm" (or the kde or gnome derivatives) with xfree, 
security is on by default. If you use "startx", you might need to 
create a "~/.xserverrc" where you specify the Xserver command line 
with the -xauth option, e.g.,

> cat ~/.Xauthority
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 -dpi 100 -depth 16 \
-auth ~/.Xauthority

if you have a ~/.Xautority, then it is probably OK, just "startx". If 
xclients don't start, kill the xserver, remove ~/.Xauthority, and 
start "xauth", adding your host, e.g.,

> xauth
Using authority file /home/jcard/.Xauthority
xauth> add localhost/unix:0 . 1234
xauth> l
localhost/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  1234
xauth> exit

and restart the xserver with "startx". If xclients dont start, go to 
1) (rebuild Tk without security :)

| Thanks, and best wishes to all,
| Ted.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <address@hidden>
| Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972
| Date: 18-Nov-01                                       Time:
| 10:03:31 ------------------------------ XFMail
| ------------------------------
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