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Re: Drawing several plots in one file, EPS files

From: Henry F. Mollet
Subject: Re: Drawing several plots in one file, EPS files
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 20:07:19 -0800
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

Thanks. I think it worked but I'll have to be able to view an eps file.
N.B. Easier said than done, apparently:
1. I can insert the eps file into a ppt file and print to a laser printer
but I don't have one at home.
2. I have Illustrator 7.0 in Classic OS 9.2 but the parser cannot read the
eps file.
3. I've downloaded and "installed?' ghostsript with finkcomander but I don't
know how to use it. I have a 2.3 MB file
ghostscript-8.00-3_darwin-powerpc.deb file in
4. I've downloaded xfig but cannot use it because I don't have have X11 and
cannot install/use xfree86.
(I have a 48 MB   ...darwin-powerpc.deb file
in /sw/fink/10.2/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/X11-system/ but I don't
know how to use it.  According to the fink commander window octave, gnuplot,
ghostsript, and xfree86 (and others) are all "current" but I can only use
octave and gnuplot but not ghostscript nor xfig (perhaps both ghowstcript
and xfig require X11 or xfree86? John Thoo explained to me that xfig
certainly requires X11 or Xfree86.

on 2/27/04 2:28 PM, Glenn Golden at address@hidden wrote:

> "Henry F. Mollet" writes:
>> I've downlaaded the m.files and tried the first example:
>> octave:17> eplot(x1,cos(x1)*0.2,'cosfill',-1,[0.8 0.8 0.2])
>> error: `ePlotLineNo' undefined near line 229 column 17
>> What's the problem and how do I solve it?
> Sounds like maybe you didn't do eopen(). (You also need eclose() when
> you're done , i.e.
>>  eopen
>>  eplot (...)
>>  eclose
>>  eview   
> )
> Glenn
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