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Re: global variable to avoid call-by-value

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: global variable to avoid call-by-value
Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 14:08:38 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040923)

Stefano Ghirlanda wrote:

Dear all,

I am developing a small library for some neural network stuff. Since a
network is potentially a large structure (node layers, weight
matrices, etc) I figured that call-by-value could be a problem.  After
reading a related thread on the list I tried to avoid call-by-value by
creating a global cell array that holds network structures, and
passing indices into this array to functions. It made no difference
(details below).

Call by reference will only make speed difference for values that are altered. The reason is that when octave creates a copies of the variable it copies for example the container of type Array<T>, copies the pointer rep that is a pointer to the actual data and increments the reference counter rep->count. This is a relatively low cost operation. If you try to alter the passed variable in the function, the first time you try octave sees that the rep->count is greater than 1, and at this point it will copy the data.

One example. Suppose I want to update the activation state of nodes in
the network. In a language with pass-by-reference I could write

 update_network( &net )

(adopting the C++ & syntax for references), while with call-by-value I
have to write something like

 net = update_network( net )

where update_network uses the following simple-minded strategy:

 function net_out = update_network( net_in )
   net_out = net_in;
   # operate only on net_out from now on
You don't gain anything with the copy of net_out = net_in, except an extra copy of the data container, which isn't that costly. So keep if if it makes your code more readable, but

function net = update_network (net)
 # operate on net

works just as well.

Note that update_network does modify the network rather heavily
updating the activation states of all nodes, possibly the nodes'
internal states and also some other maintenance variables.

I have tried use the global variable approach in more or less this

 global Networks = {}; # global structure holding all networks

 function update_network( net_index )
   global Networks;
   # operate directly on Networks{ net_index }

Ok, so you have a case where it should make a difference. But only makes a single copy at each call of the function update_networks

I have used exaclty this strategy for every function call that would
need to modify its argument. I have then run a test teaching a
two-layer network to respond with given outputs to four inputs. I have
used a network with 25, 250, 2500 and 25000 input nodes with these
results (times in seconds):

Global variable approach: 13, 13, 15, 41 Simple-mindes call-by value: 10, 10, 13, 39

The differences are in the noise... I suspect the cost of the copy is low relative to your operations on the data.

So the latter is, if anything slightly better. Should I conclude that
Octave is very very smart in deciding when to actually copy data and
when to just count and shuffle pointers, or am I missing something?

For instance, does Octave notive that the "net" on the lhs and rhs of

 net = update_network( net )

are the same object and thus avoids any duplication of data
Octave definitely doesn't do this, though it has been discussed in the past.


David Bateman                                address@hidden
Motorola Labs - Paris +33 1 69 35 48 04 (Ph) Parc Les Algorithmes, Commune de St Aubin +33 1 69 35 77 01 (Fax) 91193 Gif-Sur-Yvette FRANCE

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