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Re: Building Octave for Windows with MinGW

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: Building Octave for Windows with MinGW
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 22:27:13 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060921)

David Bateman wrote:
> Here are the build script and patches I have at about th time of 2.9.4.
> Note that atlas build is broken and so should be disabled. I don't use
> the cygwin tools at all but rather msys, intended to distribute msys and
> the mingw compilers as part of the package...
> Many of the packages have newer versions available and so the script
> should be updated for the newer versions. Note the scripts is also
> pretty nasty, and my goal was to minimize the amount of work I had to do
> for a mingw build without too much effort on the build script itself.
> All of this was part of the mingw binary I distributed, as I'd hoped
> others would use it to develop upn and fix the bugs... I'd also like to
> get back to fixing up a package for mingw, but was discouraged by the
> atlas issue. If that was addressed, I'd probably attack the NSIS
> installer and get something released bugs and all for testing...

Sorry but you'll also want the attached file under the src/ directory as
mingw doesn't have glob and fnmatch... You should probably also disable
the CLN GMP and GINAC build for now as well as atlas. An easy way to do
this without altering the script is to add the lines

atlas3.6.0_WinNT_P4SSE2 Success
gmp-4.1.4 Success
cln-1.1.11 Success
ginac-1.3.3 Success

to the build.log file.



Attachment: glob-1.0.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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