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Re: audio check?

From: Jim Langston
Subject: Re: audio check?
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 10:55:45 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061204)

It looks like a loop:

(dbx) cont
^Cdbx: warning: Interrupt ignored but forwarded to child.
address@hidden (address@hidden) signal INT (Interrupt) in std::char_traits<char>::eof at 0xfbef0124
0xfbef0124: eof       : movl     $0xffffffff,%eax
Current function is c_file_ptr_buf::underflow_common
  72         if (! bump
(dbx) list
  72         if (! bump
  73   #if defined (CXX_ISO_COMPLIANT_LIBRARY)
  74             && c != traits_type::eof ())
  75   #else
  76             && c != EOF)
  77   #endif
  78           ungetc (c, f);
79 80 return c;
  81       }
(dbx) cont
^Cdbx: warning: Interrupt ignored but forwarded to child.
address@hidden (address@hidden) signal INT (Interrupt) in c_file_ptr_buf::underflow at line 53 in file "c-file-ptr-stream.h"
  53     int_type underflow (void) { return underflow_common (false); }
(dbx) list
  53     int_type underflow (void) { return underflow_common (false); }
54 55 int_type uflow (void) { return underflow_common (true); } 56 57 int_type pbackfail (int_type); 58 59 std::streamsize xsputn (const char*, std::streamsize); 60 61 std::streamsize xsgetn (char *, std::streamsize); 62 (dbx) cont
^Cdbx: warning: Interrupt ignored but forwarded to child.
address@hidden (address@hidden) signal INT (Interrupt) in _ungetc_unlocked at 
0xfbe151d1: _ungetc_unlocked+0x0011:    addl     $0x00069e30,%ebx
Current function is c_file_ptr_buf::underflow_common
  78           ungetc (c, f);



John W. Eaton wrote:
On  5-Sep-2007, Jim Langston wrote:

| also, also, recompiled with debugging turned on, here is an output segment
| | octave:1> A = [1:10; 1:10]/10;
| octave:2> wavwrite("a.wav", A);
| octave:3> [B, samples_per_sec, bits_per_sample] = wavread("a.wav");
| ^Cdbx: warning: Interrupt ignored but forwarded to child.
| address@hidden (address@hidden) signal INT (Interrupt) in ungetc at 0xfbe151a7
| 0xfbe151a7: ungetc+0x0047:      movl     %eax,%edi
| Current function is c_file_ptr_buf::underflow_common
|    78           ungetc (c, f);
| (dbx) list
|    78           ungetc (c, f);
| 79 | 80 return c;
|    81       }
|    82     else
|    83   #if defined (CXX_ISO_COMPLIANT_LIBRARY)
|    84       return traits_type::eof ();
|    85   #else
|    86       return EOF;
|    87   #endif
| (dbx) print c
| c = 82
| (dbx) print f
| f = 0xfbe82ad8
| (dbx) print &f
| &f = 0x87a9850
| (dbx) print *f
| *f = {
|     _cnt          = 84
|     _ptr          = 0x87bad24 "RIFFL"
|     _base         = 0x87bad24 "RIFFL"
|     _flag         = '\t'
|     _magic        = '\005'
|     __orientation = 0
|     __ionolock    = 0
|     __seekable    = 1U
|     __extendedfd  = 0
|     __xf_nocheck  = 0
|     __filler      = 0
| }
| (dbx)

What happens if you continue execution from this point?  Is it stuck
on this line (ungetc is never returning) or is it stuck in an infinite
loop, and you just happened to interrupt it at this point in the loop?



Jim Langston
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

(877) 854-5583 (AccessLine)
AIM: jl9594

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