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scripts close plot windows automatically

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: scripts close plot windows automatically
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 20:41:11 -0400

On 19-Mar-2008, Nicholas T wrote:

|    I would like for a script not to close a plot window. The best I could
| find online was using the pause() function, which is sorta crappy (compared
| to having the user actually close the window). Please tell me if you know a
| better way.
| e.g. save the following to a .m file, and execute
| plot([0:0.1:1], [0:0.1:1])

Execute in what way?  From the Octave prompt?  If so, the plot window
stays on the screen after the script is finished and the next Octave
prompt is printed (at least for me).  Maybe you can give a more
precise explanation of what it is you are trying to do?


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