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Re: leasqr question: how to turn off verbose

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: leasqr question: how to turn off verbose
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2008 19:44:00 -0400

On Jul 6, 2008, at 7:07 PM, Harbinson, Jeremy wrote:

When using leasqr.m from the optimisation toolkit a lot of information is presented on the display as leasqr does its thing - it looks like nearly everything that leasqr calculates is shown. I suspect that this is 'verbose' mode. Does anyone know how to turn this off? I have had a quick look at leasqr.m and 'verbose' is mentioned in several places, but to my eyes it is not clear how to disable this other than by hacking the script about a bit - which seems a bit crude and likely to have all sorts of undesired effects, especially if I do it.
thanks all the best,

For the version of leasqr I have "verbose" is a global variable that defaults to 0 if not specified before calling leasqr.

When I type

> global verbose
> whos verbose

from the console, I get

*** globally visible user variables:

  Prot Name         Size                     Bytes  Class

  ==== ====         ====                     =====  =====

   rwd verbose      0x0                          0  double

Total is 0 elements using 0 bytes

Please (1) re-start Octave and type "whos verbose", then (2) run your script, and type "whos verbose" again.

In the first instance, "whos verbose" should not produce anything. If you get a description, you likely have that variable set in your octaverc file.

If verbose exists in the last instance and is set to 1 (true), then either your script is setting it, or your leasqr.m file has been modified.

If verbose does not exist in the second instance, or it is set false, you may have an old version of leasqr.m or your local version may have been modified.


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