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Re: Print to png file, cant get label fonts to work

From: Dmitri A. Sergatskov
Subject: Re: Print to png file, cant get label fonts to work
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:26:49 -0500

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 11:20 AM, browny <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi, Ive seen that this problem is pretty common and the solution seems to be
> to do "export GDFONTPATH="...."", specifying the font directory location,
> but this doesnt seem to have any effect on it at all. I still get the error
> "gdImageStringFT: Could not find/open font while printing string Gray Level
> (D) with font Vera.ttf"
> I have tried it for a lot of different fonts in a lot of different
> directories both with and without the .ttf included and i get the same
> result everytime.
> I also saw that by doing something like this
> title ('My plot', 'FontName',
> "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-mgopen/MgOpenModernaBold.ttf");
> a temporary workaround should fix it, but when I do this I get the following
> *** stack smashing detected ***: gnuplot terminated
> ======= Backtrace: =========

All your issues seems to be gnuplot related. You should try experimenting
with gnuplot directly to see what works and what does not and report
the found problems to proper authorities, i.e. gnuplot people or even
better your binary distributor (Debian?).

Do you have font Vera.ttf installed?
Does GDFONTPATH point to the directory where it's

It is quite possible that your "MgOpenModernaBold.ttf" font is problematic,
though it should not make gnuplot to blow up (I do not have this font
and have no idea where do

The following works for me:

GDFONTPATH="/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera" gnuplot
gnuplot> set term png font "Vera.ttf"
Terminal type set to 'png'
Options are 'nocrop font Vera.ttf 12 size 640,480 '
gnuplot> set out "testpng11.png"
gnuplot> plot sin(x)

SVG font handling is somewhat more complicated (read help svg
on gnuplot prompt). The increased size of an SVG file may be due to
embedded fonts.



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