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Re: ylabel kills plot?

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: ylabel kills plot?
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 08:47:20 -0400

On Thursday, July 23, 2009, at 08:14AM, "Matthias Brennwald" <address@hidden> 
>Matthias Brennwald, Käferholzstrasse 173, CH-8046 Zürich, +41 44 364  
>17 03
>On Jul 23, 2009, at 2:01 PM, address@hidden wrote:
>>> Dear All
>>> Consider the following code:
>>> -------
>>> plot (rand(1,10));
>>> xlabel ('x-label','fontsize',22);
>>> ylabel ('y-label','fontsize',22);
>>> -------
>>> For some reason, this does not produce the expected plot. I just get
>>> an empty plot window. If I omit the 'fontsize',22 part, everything
>>> works as expected. What am I doing wrong?
>>> (This is on Mac OS X with Octave 3.2.0 and gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 5,
>>> both from MacPorts.)
>>> Matthias
>> I get a plot window with the line and the ticklabels, but no x/y  
>> labels.
>> When I change the fontname to "Times", everything works
>>> plot (rand(1,10));
>>> xlabel ('x-label','fontsize',22,'fontname','Times');
>>> ylabel ('y-label','fontsize',22,'fontname','Times');
>> I assume the default x11 font does not support 22pt.
>> Ben
>> p.s. I'm also running Mac OSX 10.5.7 with xquartz 2.3.3 and Gnuplot
>> 4.2.5.
>Ok, the 'fontname' thing also fixes the problem in my case. Is there a  
>way to tell gnuplot to use a different font by default (e.g. Times or  
>Helvetica, which work well with 22pt)?

Add the following lines to your ~/.octaverc

    set (0, "defaultaxesfontname", "Helvetica")
    set (0, "defaulttextfontname", "Helvetica")

However, you may find that bitmaped output does not have a Helvetica font 
available. You can check by ...

    print -dpng test.png


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