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Re: Gnuplot scripts as output?

From: Dr. Ing. Dieter Jurzitza
Subject: Re: Gnuplot scripts as output?
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 18:50:17 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.11.4 (Linux/; KDE/4.2.4; i686; ; )

Dear Tribo,
basically nobody stops you from exporting the data into ascii files:

octave:1> for i=1:1000
> A(i)=sin(2.0*pi*(i-1)/999.0);
> endfor
octave:2> outfile = fopen("dummy.dat", "w");
octave:3> for i=1:1000
> fprintf(outfile, "%d %f\n", i, A(i));
> endfor
octave:4> fclose (outfile)
ans = 0

would write a sinusoid into a file. Given you start gnuplot in the directory 
you wrote "dummy.dat" 
to, you could say:

plot "dummy.dat" using 1:2 w l lw 2 title "A sine"

well, and the title says what you'll get. And by this you could circumvent the 
problems with binary 
data for plotting in gnuplot, simply export them into ascii-files, adopt the 
names in the gnuplot-
plt file accordingly and you ought to be done.

Hope this helps,
take care



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  ^^__   _        /  _  ____   /
 <°°__ \- \_/     |  |/    |  |
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if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)

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