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Re: Freebsd install, question N+1: search setting for configure?

From: Thomas D. Dean
Subject: Re: Freebsd install, question N+1: search setting for configure?
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 16:08:24 -0700

On Sun, 2010-09-19 at 15:34 -0700, Thomas D. Dean wrote:

On an Unbutu 10.04 system, the only optional library is glpk, I think.
I moved these to /usr/local/lib and configure seems to have found

What version of autoconf do you have???
On Ubuntu, I have autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.65


# sudo  mv /usr/lib/libglpk* /usr/local/lib
# ls /usr/lib/libglpk*
ls: cannot access /usr/lib/libglpk*: No such file or directory
# ls /usr/local/lib/libglpk*
/usr/local/lib/libglpk.a   /usr/local/lib/
/usr/local/lib/  /usr/local/lib/
# tar -xvjf tarballs/octave-3.2.4.tar.bz2 
# cd octave-3.2.4/
# env F77=gfortran-4.4 ./configure
configure: WARNING: UMFPACK not found.  This will result in some lack of
functionality for sparse matrices.
configure: WARNING: qrupdate not found. The QR & Cholesky updating
functions will be slow.
configure: WARNING: AMD not found. This will result in some lack of
functionality for sparse matrices.
configure: WARNING: COLAMD not found. This will result in some lack of
functionality for sparse matrices.
configure: WARNING: CCOLAMD not found. This will result in some lack of
functionality for sparse matrices.
configure: WARNING: CHOLMOD not found. This will result in some lack of
functionality for sparse matrices.
configure: WARNING: CXSparse not found. This will result in some lack of
functionality for sparse matrices.
configure: WARNING: arpack not found. This will result in a lack of the
eigs function.
configure: WARNING: FFTW library not found.  Octave will use the
(slower) FFTPACK library instead.
configure: WARNING: GraphicsMagick++ config script not found.  Assuming
GraphicsMagic++ library and header files are missing, so imread will not
be fully functional
configure: WARNING: PCRE library not found.  This will result in some
loss of functionality for the regular expression matching functions.
configure: WARNING: Qhull library not found --- This will result in loss
of functionality of some geometry functions.
configure: WARNING: "FLTK config script not found.  Native graphics will
be disabled."
configure: WARNING: 
configure: WARNING: I didn't find the necessary libraries to compile
configure: WARNING: graphics. It isn't necessary to have native graphics
configure: WARNING: but you will have to use gnuplot or you won't be
configure: WARNING: to use any of Octave's plotting commands
configure: WARNING: 

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