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Getting 'for' loop to print only once using echo/diary

From: Martin Senator
Subject: Getting 'for' loop to print only once using echo/diary
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 11:07:21 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Help:  getting 'for' loop to print only once using echo/diary

I am using a 'for' loop in a script (because I can't
get 'roots' to work on a vector).
I start an interactive Octave session with:
       $ octave -q
Then I issue the command (junk.m is the name of the script file):
       octave:1> diary on, echo on, more off,junk
The last two lines of the script are:
      [now] = ctime(time) #;
      diary off
After the script runs Octave is ready for more interactive commands.
But, the 'for' loop is in the 'diary' file 101 times.

What can I do to get the desired behavior?

Here is the 'for' loop code I am using:
# new
   a0 = zeros( 1, length(del0) ) ;
   for ii = 1:length(del0) ;
       a0coef = zeros(1, length(del0) ) ;
       a0coef(1) = 3/4*h_spr                    ;
       a0coef(2) = 0                            ;
       a0coef(3) = k_spr                        ;
       a0coef(4) = -f_ampl*cos(del0(ii))                ;
       a0coef(5) = -m_mass*f_ampl^2.*sin(del0(ii)).^2 ./c_visc.^2   ;
       rts0 = roots( a0coef )   ;
       qq0 = rts0  ;
       qq0 = qq0( (imag(qq0)==0)&(real(qq0)>0) ) ;
       a0(ii) = qq0  ;
    endfor ; 
    a0sq = a0.*a0  ;



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