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Re: orient tall with fltk

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: orient tall with fltk
Date: Mon, 07 May 2012 17:09:56 -0400

On May 7, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Jose wrote:

> Hello Ben, thanks for the quick answer.
> On 05/07/2012 08:04 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:
>> Octave's OpenGL backends require than the plot be rendered on the
>> screen. To render the plot on screen you'll need a monitor with a
>> resolution of [30, 20] * 72 plus a bit more for the figure window's
>> toolbar, menubar and border.
> Yep, the image that I used for the example is large by accident. But the same 
> problem happens with more usual sizes, for example the default size.

By default size, do you mean ...

        close all
        graphics_toolkit fltk
        plot (rand (3))
        orient tall
        print foo.pdf

Or do you mean all the above *except* "orient tall" ?

If the former, then you'll need to have a screen that is able to render a 
figure that is 10.5*72 pixels high. If the latter, then you'll need a screen 
with room for a figure that is 6*72 pixels high.

>> A work around is reduce the size of the output and then scale it when
>> done.
> Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean exactly. The size of the figure 
> is not a problem, I can make it smaller as I commented. About scaling, do you 
> mean scale the figure in the screen and then print it to a paper of size the 
> same of the figure? Is the following what you mean?
> ---
> octave:1> clear all
> octave:2> graphics_toolkit fltk
> octave:3> plot([1:10]);
> octave:4> position=get (gcf, 'position')
> position =
>   1442     92    560    380
> octave:5> fig_size=position(3:4)/72; %is 72->pixels/inches?
> octave:6> set(gcf,'papersize',fig_size);
> octave:7> print('-dpdf','foo2.pdf');
> ---
> This does not work for me either. Could you please give me a detailed working 
> example of what you mean? I'd appreciate it.

I mean you can output a smaller image/page, and then scale the result using 
ghostscript (or some other utility outside of octave).


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