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Re: Optimization in Octave

From: Julien Bect
Subject: Re: Optimization in Octave
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:36:10 +0100
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On 12/03/2014 12:41, Urs Hackstein wrote:
First, the program runs through for some values for b, for some others
not. If it runs through, it seems to return the minimal value for F,
not the maximum. Thus changing F to
F=@(x)(1/(real(p(x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5))))); gives better results,
but not the optimal values. For example, opt(9.9454e+10) returns
-2.5657e+11 + 9.9454 e+10i, but p(3,8,1.5,4,62)=-1.1198e+11+9.9454
e+10i is significantly better. Maybe -2.5657e+11 is a local maximum of
the real part of p for
fixed imaginary part 9.9454e+10, but how can we reach the absolute maximum?

If would suggest try F -> -F instead of F -> 1/F to obtain a minimzation problem.

If it doesn't work better, I can see several directions for you to dig :

1) Assumtpion : your problem does not really have local optima, but sqp stop permaturely.

Then you might get better results by providing either

- a better starting point,
- or a better scaling of your function (e.g., try to rescale the inputs to [0; 1] or take the log),
- or smaller tolerances for the stopping conditions.

2) Assumption : your problem really has local optima.

Then sqp, which is a local optimization method, is not appropriate for your problem unless you can provide a starting point that is close enough to the optimum. If you can not provide such a starting point, then you have to use a methode that can escape from local minima. You can find several such methods in the optimization package (see, e.g., battery, sa_min or de_min)

and also in NLopt

You have to know, however, that most of these algorithms cannot handle equality constraints directly (ISRES from NLopt seems to be the exception). You can turn your problem into an unconstrained problem by using the constraint has a penalty on your objective function, for instance:

Rp = @(x) (real(p(x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5))));
Ip = @(x) (imag(p(x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5))));
F = @(x) ( - Rp(x) + alpha * (Ip(x) - b)^2);

and then solve several times using increasing values of alpha to enforce the constraint asymptotically. In NLopt, this sort of thing can be done automatically using the "augmented Lagrangian" algorithm:

It might be interesting for the people on this list if you could provide more details on your function p. Perhaps could you even send us the code ? Can you obtain the gradient of Rp and Ip with respect to x ? How long does it take to evaluate p for one value of x ? How many evaluations of p do you expect to use in order to solve the optimization problem ?


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