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Octave should be more consistent in converting automatically char to num

From: Dildar Sk
Subject: Octave should be more consistent in converting automatically char to numeric.
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2018 01:23:26 -0700 (MST)


>> sind('334')
Undefined function 'sind' for input arguments of type 'char'.
>> cosd('2')
Undefined function 'cosd' for input arguments of type 'char'.
>> tand('HelLO WorLD')
Undefined function 'tand' for input arguments of type 'char'.
>> deg2rad('1')
Error using deg2rad (line 13)
Input must be single or double.
>> rad2deg('ok')
Error using rad2deg (line 13)
Input must be single or double.

So,most of the times MATLAB chooses not to automatically convert char value
to numerical.
But in Octave,

>> sind('334')
ans =

   0.77715   0.77715   0.78801

>> cosd('2')
ans =  0.64279
>> tand('HellO wOrLD')
ans =

 Columns 1 through 6:

   3.07768  -5.14455  -3.07768  -3.07768   5.14455   0.62487

 Columns 7 through 11:

  -1.80405   5.14455  -2.24604   4.01078   2.47509

>> deg2rad('1')
error: deg2rad: DEG must be a floating point class (double or single)
error: called from
    deg2rad at line 49 column 5
>> rad2deg('ok')
error: rad2deg: RAD must be a floating point class (double or single)
error: called from
    rad2deg at line 49 column 5

So, Octave sometimes choose to convert char value to numeric and sometimes
simply throws
error. So, I think Octave should be little more consistent in automatic

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