function [mpcreduced,Link,BCIRCr]=MPReduction(mpc,ExBusOrig,Pf_flag) % Function MPReduction does modified Ward reduction to the full system % model given in the MATPOWER case file (mpc) based the external buses % (ExBusOrig)defined by the user. % % [mpcreduced,Link,BCIRCr]=MPReduction(mpc,ExBusOrig,Pf_flag) % % INPUT DATA: % mpc: struct, includes the full model in MATPOWER case format % ExBusOrig: n*1 vector, include the bus numbers of buses to be % eliminated % Pf_flag: scalar, indicate if dc power flow needed to solve (=1) or not % (=0) in the load redistribution subroutine % % OUTPUT DATA: % mpcreduced: struct, includes the reduced model in MATPOWER case format % Link: n*2 matrix, includes the generator mapping info, showing how % external generators are moved: The first column includes generator bus % numbers in full model and the second column includes generator bus % nubmers where the external generators are moved to. % BCIRCr: n*1 vector, includes branch circuit numbers. This vector can be % used to identify parallel branches and equivalent lines generated by % the network reduction process. If a branch number is higher than 1 and % less then it indicate this branch is parallel to one of the branch in % the full model. If a branch circuit number is 99 then it indicate this % branch is an equivalent branch. % % Note: The reduction is based on dc assumption which means all resistance, % reactive power components will be ignored. And the reduced model is only % good for solving dc power flow or dc opf. If the input full model case % file includes dclines, it is assumed that no dc terminal is to be % eliminated, otherwise the function will return error. If Pf_flag = 1 % which means dc power flow need to be solved during the load % redistribution process, user must make sure that MATPOWER toolbox is % installed. % MATPOWER % Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC) % by Yujia Zhu, PSERC ASU % % This file is part of MATPOWER. % Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details). % See for more info. fprintf('%n Reduction process start'); fprintf('%n Preprocess data')'; [mpc,ExBusOrig]=PreProcessData(mpc,ExBusOrig); dim = size(mpc.bus,1); %% Modeling % check if dc terminals are external if isfield(mpc,'dcline') tf1 = ismember(mpc.dcline(:,1),ExBusOrig); tf2 = ismember(mpc.dcline(:,2),ExBusOrig); if (sum(tf1)+sum(tf2))>0 error('not able to eliminate HVDC line terminals'); end end ExBusOrig = ExBusOrig'; if ~isempty(ExBusOrig) fprintf('\nConvert input data model'); [NFROM,NTO,BraNum,LineB,ShuntB,BCIRC,BusNum,NUMB,SelfB,mpc,ExBus,newbusnum,oldbusnum] = Initiation(mpc,ExBusOrig); % ExBus with internal numbering %% Create data structure fprintf('\nCreating Y matrix of input full model'); [CIndx,ERP,DataB]=BuildYMat(NFROM,NTO,BraNum,LineB,BCIRC,BusNum,NUMB,SelfB); %% Do Reduction fprintf('\nDo first round reduction eliminating all external buses'); [mpcreduced,BCIRCr,ExBusr] = DoReduction(DataB,ERP,CIndx,ExBus,NUMB,dim,BCIRC,newbusnum,oldbusnum,mpc); % ExBusr with original numbering %% Generate the second reduction with all retained buses and all generator %% buses mpcreduced_gen % Create the ExBus_Gen to create the reduced model with all gens tf = ismember(ExBus,mpc.gen(:,1)); ExBusGen = ExBus; ExBusGen(tf==1)=[]; % delete all external buses with generators tf=ismember(mpc.gen(:,1),ExBus); fprintf('\n%d external generators are to be placed',length(tf(tf==1))); if ~isempty(ExBusGen) fprintf('\nDo second round reduction eliminating all external non-generator buses'); [mpcreduced_gen,BCIRC_gen,ExBusGen] = DoReduction(DataB,ERP,CIndx,ExBusGen,NUMB,dim,BCIRC,newbusnum,oldbusnum,mpc); else mpcreduced_gen = mpc; mpcreduced_gen=MapBus(mpcreduced_gen,newbusnum,oldbusnum); BCIRC_gen = BCIRC; end %% Move Generators fprintf('\nPlacing External generators'); [NewGenBus,Link]=MoveExGen(mpcreduced_gen,ExBusOrig,ExBusGen,BCIRC_gen,0); mpcreduced.gen(:,1)=NewGenBus; % move all external generators %% Do Inverse PowerFlow fprintf('\nRedistribute loads'); mpc=MapBus(mpc,newbusnum,oldbusnum); [mpcreduced,BCIRCr]=LoadRedistribution(mpc,mpcreduced,BCIRCr,Pf_flag); else mpcreduced = mpc; warning('No external buses, reduced model is same as full model'); end %% Delete large reactance equivalent branches ind=find(abs(mpcreduced.branch(:,4))>=max(mpc.branch(:,4))*10); mpcreduced.branch(ind,:)=[]; BCIRCr(ind)=[]; %% Print Results fprintf('\n**********Reduction Summary****************'); fprintf('\n%d buses in reduced model',size(mpcreduced.bus,1)); fprintf('\n%d branches in reduced model, including %d equivalent lines',size(mpcreduced.branch,1),length(BCIRCr(BCIRCr==max(BCIRCr)))); fprintf('\n%d generators in reduced model',size(mpcreduced.gen,1)); if isfield(mpcreduced,'dcline') fprintf('\n%d HVDC lines in reduced mode,',size(mpcreduced.dcline,1)); end fprintf('\n**********Generator Placement Results**************'); for i=1:size(Link,1) if Link(i,2)-Link(i,1)~=0 fprintf('\nExternal generator on bus %d is moved to %d',Link(i,1),Link(i,2)); end end fprintf('\n'); end