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[Help-smalltalk] Re: walking a directory tree

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] Re: walking a directory tree
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 10:09:34 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20081209)

> The attached patch fixes the above misfeature.

Wrong patch attached, this is the correct one.

diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 54a14dc..f35156e 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -736,7 +736,10 @@ size and timestamps.'>
     all [
        "Return a decorator of the receiver that will provide recursive
-        descent into directories for iteration methods."
+        descent into directories for iteration methods.  Furthermore,
+        iteration on the returned wrapper will not include '.' or '..'
+        directory entries, and will include the receiver (directly, not
+        via '.')."
        <category: 'decoration'>
        ^Kernel.RecursiveFileWrapper on: self
@@ -813,7 +816,9 @@ size and timestamps.'>
     do: aBlock [
        "Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the
-        receiver, passing its name."
+        receiver, passing a FilePath object (or a subclass) to it.  It depends
+        on the subclass whether iteration will include the '.' and '..'
+        directory entries."
        <category: 'enumerating'>
        self namesDo: [ :name |
@@ -822,7 +827,8 @@ size and timestamps.'>
     namesDo: aBlock [
        "Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the
-        receiver, passing its name."
+        receiver, passing its name.  It depends on the subclass whether
+        iteration will include the '.' and '..'  directory entries."
        <category: 'enumerating'>
        self subclassResponsibility
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 9a01b02..d344a04 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -352,15 +352,16 @@ VFS.FileWrapper subclass: RecursiveFileWrapper [
        "Same as the wrapped #do:, but reuses the file object for efficiency."
        <category: 'enumerating'>
+       aBlock value: self file.
         self file namesDo: 
                 [:name |
-                | f |
-                f := self at: name. 
-                aBlock value: f.
-                f isDirectory 
-                    ifTrue:
-                        [((#('.' '..') includes: name) or: [f isSymbolicLink])
-                            ifFalse: [f do: aBlock]]]
+                | f period |
+               period := #('.' '..') includes: name.
+                period ifFalse: [
+                   f := self at: name. 
+                   aBlock value: f file.
+                   (f isDirectory and: [f isSymbolicLink not])
+                        ifTrue: [f do: aBlock]]]
      namesDo: aBlock prefixLength: anInteger [
@@ -371,15 +372,15 @@ VFS.FileWrapper subclass: RecursiveFileWrapper [
        <category: 'private'>
         self file namesDo: 
                 [:name |
-                | f |
-                f := self at: name. 
-                aBlock value: (f asString copyFrom: anInteger).
-                f isDirectory 
-                    ifTrue:
-                        [((#('.' '..') includes: name) or: [f isSymbolicLink])
-                            ifFalse: [f
-                               namesDo: aBlock
-                               prefixLength: anInteger ]]]
+                | f period |
+               period := #('.' '..') includes: name.
+                period ifFalse: [
+                   f := self at: name. 
+                    aBlock value: (f asString copyFrom: anInteger).
+                   (f isDirectory and: [f isSymbolicLink not])
+                        ifTrue: [f
+                           namesDo: aBlock
+                           prefixLength: anInteger ]]]
      namesDo: aBlock [
@@ -387,6 +388,7 @@ VFS.FileWrapper subclass: RecursiveFileWrapper [
         tree recursively."
        <category: 'enumerating'>
+       aBlock value: '.'.
         self namesDo: aBlock prefixLength: self asString size + 2
@@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ VFS.FileWrapper subclass: RecursiveFileWrapper [
        self isDirectory ifFalse: [
            ^super lastAccessTime: accessDateTime lastModifyTime: 
modifyDateTime ].
         self do: [ :each |
-           each file lastAccessTime: accessDateTime lastModifyTime: 
modifyDateTime ]
+           each lastAccessTime: accessDateTime lastModifyTime: modifyDateTime ]
     owner: ownerString group: groupString [
@@ -434,7 +436,7 @@ VFS.FileWrapper subclass: RecursiveFileWrapper [
        "These special calls cache the uid and gid to avoid repeated lookups."
            File setOwnerFor: nil owner: ownerString group: groupString.
-            self do: [ :each | each file owner: ownerString group: groupString 
+            self do: [ :each | each owner: ownerString group: groupString ]
        ] ensure: [ File setOwnerFor: nil owner: nil group: nil ]
@@ -445,8 +447,7 @@ VFS.FileWrapper subclass: RecursiveFileWrapper [
         <category: 'accessing'>
        self isDirectory ifFalse: [ ^super mode: anInteger ].
-       self do: [ :each |
-           each isDirectory ifFalse: [ each file mode: anInteger ] ]
+       self do: [ :each | each isDirectory ifFalse: [ each mode: anInteger ] ]
     fileMode: fMode directoryMode: dMode [
@@ -459,8 +460,7 @@ VFS.FileWrapper subclass: RecursiveFileWrapper [
        super mode: dMode.
        self isDirectory ifTrue: [
            self do: [ :each |
-               each file
-                   mode: (each isDirectory
+               each mode: (each isDirectory
                                ifTrue: [ dMode ]
                                ifFalse: [ fMode ]) ] ]

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