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[Help-smalltalk] GNU Smalltalk on OS X with native GTK

From: Eli Green
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] GNU Smalltalk on OS X with native GTK
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 00:05:24 +0200

That was not as difficult as I had imagined.

1. install gtk-osx from
2. install gawk from - make sure the $BINDIR is in your PATH 3. Build and install pkg-config-0.23.tar from - again, put $BINDIR in your PATH export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Cairo.framework/ Resources/dev/lib/pkgconfig:/Library/Frameworks/Gtk.framework/ Resources/dev/lib/pkgconfig:/Library/Frameworks/GLib.framework/ Resources/dev/lib/pkgconfig

4. build GNU Smalltalk:
MAKE=gnumake CFLAGS='-m32' LDFLAGS='-arch i386' ./configure -- prefix=/usr/local/gst --enable-gtk=yes
  sudo gnumake install

Running gst-browser:

It is not what I would call stable or even usable; a few windows that don't draw themselves, a lot of spinning beach balls (the "Window is not responding to events" indicator in OS X). From what I can see, VisualGST is written directly against the Gtk libraries so it's not like somebody could simply implement a Cocoa version of Blox or equivalent. Has any thought been given to placing an abstraction library between GST and the native platform libraries or is GTK going to be the solution going forward?

Note that this is running under Quartz, the native OS X display server, but does not use the native theme. There is a Gtk engine which does so but I haven't tried to compile it yet.

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