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[Hybrid-generic] Project update

From: Francesco Salvestrini
Subject: [Hybrid-generic] Project update
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 22:21:01 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

Hi all,

I hope everything is fine for you all. It has been long since the last update 
on the mailing list and due to the peak-commitment in our sub-projects (and 
predominant use of instant messaging ...) the mailing-list lacked of some 
updates for too long. I'm really sorry so ... I'm going to fill the gap.

From repository tag '0.0.19' we started slicing the development into "small" 
subpackages. The subpackages will migrate elsewhere whenever they will reach 
a "somewhat" stable condition (as we did for ELKlib, dnt and others).

Newcomers will find the repository sliced in some subdirectories, the most 
importat ones:

* The 'blink' directory contains a new subpackage which has been introduced 
recently. BLink is the the boot(-time) linker. For those involved in 
ELK-linking, symbol mangling, code/data relocation that could be a good 
directory where start hacking from
* The 'kernel' directory contains the old root code. Modules will be 
introduced ASAP as well in a separate directory

* The 'tools' directory contains utilities shared among blink, kernel and 

* The 'tools/serdes' directory contains the initial work for the 
serializer-deserializer code generator.

I'm going to fix some pending issues in blink and kernel ... some commits 
should be pulled into the repository soon.

Happy hacking ;-)

Best regards,

<dark> "Hey, I'm from this project called Debian... have you heard of it?
       Your name seems to be on a bunch of our stuff."

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