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Re: [igraph] calculate vertices statistical features like degree eccentr

From: Csaba Ragany
Subject: Re: [igraph] calculate vertices statistical features like degree eccentricity etc
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 16:14:08 +0200

Thank you!

I have some further questions:

1) Is it possible to calculate the triangle count by vertices?

2) I think stress centrality is the number of shortest paths through a vertice, and betweenness is some kind of "probability" of shortest paths by vertices (exact definition here: http://med.bioinf.mpi-inf.mpg.de/netanalyzer/help/2.6.1/#nodeBetween ). So igraph's betweenness() stands for what?

3) There are several statistical features that uses the shortest paths length like eccentricity(), betweenness(), closenes() etc. What happens if I want to calculate all these features to all vertices in a huge graph having ~300.000 nodes? Is there a way to calculate the sortest paths only once or how can I be more effective?

Thank you!

2014-06-20 16:45 GMT+02:00 Gábor Csárdi <address@hidden>:

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Csaba Ragany <address@hidden> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I want to calculate some statistical features on vertices like degree,
> eccentricity etc. I found lots of features on the internet but I some of
> them are not implemented in igraph or I did not find the appropriate
> function...
> So can you tell me how to calculate the below statistical features in igraph
> or is it possible?
> - neighborhood connectivity


> - topological coefficient

AFAIK not implemented.

> - degree centrality


> - stress centrality


> - Katz centrality

AFAIK not implemented.


> Thank you!
> Csaba
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