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From: {4FB5DDD8-2A71-484E-BDCD-52E7EDD9D9ED}
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2004 22:46:56 -0400

I'm converting from VSS to CVS (and I'm a CVS newbie).  I found
as a script that will convert from VSS to CVS and have a question:

CVS Server = CVSNT 2.0.41 running on a remote Windows 2003 server (accessed
across the internet).  All Windows patches are installed.
Client = Windows XP Pro.
VSS 6.0c (running on another Windows ME (Yah, I know!) PC on my LAN.
ActivePerl 5.8.
Python 2.3.
CygWin - don't know what version, but I downloaded it from

I've successfully converted 3 projects from VSS to CVS.  I used the script to do it (modified with my project and credentials).  Now,
when I try to update my CVS repository with the latest version from VSS, the
CVS server rejects my logon.  (Note that the CVS version hasn't been touched
since I originally converted the VSS projects earlier today.)  After
inspecting my modified script, I see that there is nothing in
there providing a password for CVS, so I'm a little perplexed at how I was
able to get it converted earlier today at all.

My obvious question is:  How do I provide a password in the
script so that it can log onto the CVS server?

Thanks for any help!

The script follows:

# Version: $Id:,v 1.15 2002/03/05 19:36:19 laine Exp $

print ("vss2cvs - SourceSafe to CVS converter.\n");
# no buffer
$| = 1;

# Options:
# SSROOT=xxx - VSS repository location
#     - default: nothing (uses whatever is already in %ENV{'SSDIR'})
# CVSROOT=xxx - CVS repository location
#     - default: nothing (uses whatever is already in %ENV{'CVSROOT'})
# SSPROJ=xxx - VSS project name ($/)
#     - default: none - THIS IS A REQUIRED argument
#     - notes: if this string doesn't start with "$/", one will be appended
# CVSPROJ=xxx - CVS project name
#     - default: VSSPROJ with the leading "$/" removed
# CVSBRANCH=xxx - branch tag to use for CVS commits
#     - default: none - commits to the trunk
# SSUSERPASS=xxx - username,pass for VSS
#     - default: none - uses the current Windows login

# cycle through the commandline and process options
while ($opt = shift)
    ($field, $value) = split(/=/, $opt, 2);
    $ENV{uc($field)} = "$value";

#$workdir = $ENV{'WORKDIR'};
#$ssroot = $ENV{'SSROOT'};
#$cvsroot = $ENV{'CVSROOT'};
#$ssproj = $ENV{'SSPROJ'};
#$cvsproj = $ENV{'CVSPROJ'};
#$cvsbranch = $ENV{'CVSBRANCH'};
#$ssuserpass = $ENV{'SSUSERPASS'};

$workdir = $ENV{'WORKDIR'};
$ssroot = '//MyVssMachine/c/somefolder/sourcesafe';
$cvsroot = ':pserver:address@hidden:/MyRepoName';
$ssproj = '$/MyProj';
$cvsproj = 'MyProj';
$ssuserpass = 'MyVssLoginName,MyVssPassWord';

# if $ssroot isn't empty set %ENV{'SSDIR'} to its value
$ENV{'SSDIR'} = backslashes($ssroot) if ($ssroot);

# if $cvsroot isn't empty, prepend "-d " to it
die "You *must* specify CVSROOT in environment or on commandline!\n"
    unless ($cvsroot);
$cvsroot = slashes($cvsroot);
$ENV{'CVSROOT'} = $cvsroot;

# if $ssproj is empty, print a usage message and quit
die "You *must* specify an SSPROJ!\n"
    unless ($ssproj);

# if $ssproj doesn't start with "$/", prepend it
#$ssproj = slashes($ssproj);
#$ssproj =~ s/^/\$\// unless ($ssproj =~ /\$\//);

# if $cvsproj is empty, copy in $ssproj, but without "$/"
$cvsproj = $ssproj unless ($cvsproj);
$cvsproj =~ s/^\$\///;

# replace all spaces and '.' in $cvsbranch with _, and if the
# first char is numeric, prepend a "b"
$cvsbranch =~ s/[\.\s]/_/g;
$cvsbranch =~ s/(^[\d])/b\1/;

# if $ssuserpass isn't empty, prepend "-y" to it
$ssuserpass =~ s/^/-y/ if ($ssuserpass);

if (not defined $workdir) {
    use Cwd;
    $workdir = cwd();

$ssuserpassprint = $ssuserpass;
$ssuserpassprint =~ s/,.*$/,***SECRET***/;

$subdir = "convert"; # subdirectory within $workdir that we'll use
# Make an empty tree matching the vss project

chdir $workdir;
chdir $subdir;
# cvs import to create the toplevel of the tree in one step
exec_cmd("cvs -f import -m \"Directory structure from VSS\" \"$cvsproj\"
fromVSS transfer");

# remove the directory we created ourselves, and check it out from CVS
# (so we have the CVS version info).

# As per Ephraim Ofir - If $cvsbranch is set, do the initial checkout
# onto the branch, and only checkout the toplevel directory, as the
# lower levels aren't really necessary (they'll automatically be
# filled in during the cvs update of the individual files). By doing
# the initial checkout onto the branch, we avoid having to switch the
# working directory back and forth between trunk and branch, as was
# previously done. Note that if the branch doesn't already exist, CVS
# will return an error; however, as of cvs 1.11, it does go ahead and
# create enough of a work directory to get us by (contains a CVS
# subdirectory, with Entries, Root, Repository, and Tag files)

chdir "$workdir";
$branchopt = "-r $cvsbranch" if $cvsbranch;
exec_cmd("cvs -f -r co $branchopt -l -d $subdir \"$cvsproj\"");

# Set the VSS project and working directory, and get a listing of all
# directories and files in the project
chdir "$workdir";
exec_cmd("ss cd \"$ssproj\" $ssuserpass");
exec_cmd("ss workfold \"$ssproj\" \"$workdir\\$subdir\" $ssuserpass");

# this makes this pattern more useable for matching
$ssprojpat = $ssproj;
$ssprojpat =~ s%\$%\\\$%;
$ssprojpat =~ s%\/%\\/%g;

# switch down to here, to make the mkdir and cvs add commands easier
chdir $subdir;

# create a CVS working directory, while also adding each directory
# into the CVS module.  Build a list of files & their type.
exec_cmd("ss dir -R \"$ssproj\" -Odirlist $ssuserpass");
open(PROJLIST, "< dirlist");
open(FILELIST,"> ssfiledump") or die "Couldn't open ssfiledump for
$incvsdir = 0;
foreach $dirline (<PROJLIST>) {
    if ($dirline =~ /\/CVS:/) {
 # skip any CVS directories in VSS
 $incvsdir = 1;
    } elsif ($dirline =~ /^$ssprojpat/) {
 $incvsdir = 0;
 $currdir = $dirline;
 $dirline =~ s/^$ssprojpat//;
 chomp $dirline;
 chomp $currdir;
 $currdir =~ s/\:$/\//;
 next if (!$dirline);
 $dirline =~ s/^([^\:]*)\:[\s]*$/\1/;
 $dirline =~ s/^\///;
# $dirline = lc($dirline);
    } else {
 chomp $dirline;
 next if ($incvsdir
   || ($dirline =~ /^\$/)
   || ($dirline =~ /^No\ items\ found\ under\ /)
   || ($dirline =~ /item\(s\)/));
 $dirline =~ s/\;[0-9]*$//; # pinned files
 $currfile = "$currdir$dirline";
 open(FILETYPE,"ss filetype \"$currfile\" $ssuserpass |");
 $type = lc(<FILETYPE>);
 chomp $type;
 $type =~ s/^.*\ //;
 print FILELIST ("No $type $currfile\n");

print "\n";

# We have an empty directory tree in CVS, as well as an empty CVS
# working directory tree. Now we simply cycle through the list of all
# files, calling resync_file for each.

open(FILELIST,"< ssfiledump") or die "Couldn't open ssfiledump for

foreach $fileline (<FILELIST>) {
 ($nohistory, $type, $file) = split(/\s/,$fileline,3);
 chomp $file;  # NOTE: contains complete vss project path!


chdir "$workdir";

# end of main()

my (%label_comments, %label_warned);

my @linebuffer;

# resync-file() - reads through ss history of given file, compares to
#                 cvs history ("log") of the file, and adds anything
#                 new from ss to cvs. If ss history hasn't changed since
#                 last time it was run, it should be a NOP.
# Note: the *actual* timestamp and user are stored in the
#       comments, and moved into proper position later by
# This is because we are probably running
# on a remote machine, where we don't have the direct
#       access to the cvs *,v file that we need in order to manipulate
#       timestamps.
# Note2:if a branch has been requested, this function will first
#       attempt to match revisions on the trunk with SS revisions,
#       then create the branch at the point the two diverge. If the
#       named branch already exists, this will be skipped - the
#       timestamp of the last existing revision on the branch will be
#       compared to the timestamps of all the vss revisions, and those
#       that are later than that will be committed to the cvs branch.

sub resync_file
    my $file = shift; # NOTE: contains *complete* vss project path
    my $type = shift; # "binary", "text"
    my $nohistory = shift;
    my $cvsbranch = shift;
    my $savedrevs = ($nohistory eq "No");
    my $dir;

    $file = slashes($file);

    print "******** Syncing $file *************\n";
    # construct commandlines
    my $sscmd = "ss history \"$file\" $ssuserpass";
    $file =~ s/^$ssprojpat\///i;
    my $cvscmd = "cvs -f log \"$file\"";

    my $file_bs = backslashes($file);
    my $backslashpos = rindex($file_bs, "\\");
    if ($backslashpos eq -1) {
 $dir = ".";
    } else {
 # $dir is everything up to last '/' in filename
 $dir = substr($file_bs, 0, $backslashpos);

    # construct associative arrays of labels and revisions already in
    # CVS. the labels will be indexed by label name, and the revisions
    # will be indexed by the *actual* date/time of the change

    my %cvslabels; # array holding revs of all known cvs labels
    my %cvsrevs;   # all known cvs revisions, indexed by date
    my $alreadyincvs;  # set to non-0 if file is found in cvs
    my $line;

    open(CVS,"$cvscmd |");

    # skip up to beginning of labels
    while ($line = <CVS>) {
 last if ($line =~ /^symbolic names:$/);

    # now read all labels
    while ($line = <CVS>) {
 # each label line is started with a tab character
 last if (!($line =~ /^\t/));

 my $cvsrev;
 my $cvslabel;

 # strip tab
 $line =~ s/^\t//;
 # break "Label_Name: rev" into separate items
 ($cvslabel, $cvsrev) = split(/[\s\:]+/,$line);
 # add to %cvslabels
 $cvslabels{$cvslabel} = $cvsrev;

    # now look for groups of:
    #   ----------------------
    #   revision <x>
    #   date: <x>
    #   [comments]
    #   possibly another "date <x>" (note lack of :)
    #   ----------------------
    # followed by =================, which is EOF
    undef $cvsrev; undef $cvsdate;
    while ($line = <CVS>) {
 # NOTE: If any comments have lines of 20 - or =, this will
 # produce erroneous results! I can't think of a foolproof
 # way to get around that, though... :-(
 if ($line =~ /^[-=]{20,}$/) {
     if ($cvsrev && $cvsdate) {
  print "Existing rev $cvsrev on $cvsdate\n";
  $cvsrevs{$cvsdate} = $cvsrev;
  $alreadyincvs = 1;
  undef $cvsrev; undef $cvsdate;
 } elsif ((!$cvsrev) && $line =~ /^revision /) {
     # revision <x> line
     $line =~ s/^revision //;
     $cvsrev = $line;
 } elsif ((!$cvsdate) && $line =~ /^date: /) {
     # CVS's "date: <x>" line
     $line =~ s/^date: //;    # chop off beginning of line
     $line =~ s/;.*$//;       # chop off everything past date
     $line =~ s/[\/ \:]/\./g; # replace all separators with "."
     $cvsdate = $line;
 } elsif (($cvsdate) && $line =~ /^date[\s]+/) {
     # a "date <x>" line previously added to comments by us
     $line =~ s/^date[\s]+//;   # chop off beginning of line
     $line =~ s/;.*$//;       # chop off everything past date
     # now see if we need to add 1900 to it (if yr is 2 digits)
     ($temp) = split(/\./, $line);
     $line =~ s/^/19/ if (length($temp) le 2);
     $cvsdate = $line;

    } # foreach $line

    # Now start through the SS history, saving a command to execute for
    # change or label

    open(SS,"$sscmd |");
    read_comment(); # ignore everything up to the first data block
    # (previously I verified that it started with "History of $file ..."
    # except that MS word wraps long filenames with spaces so just hang it)

    my $highestssver; # the highest (first) version we found in VSS for this
    my $matchrev;     # the CVS rev of the highest VSS rev we found in CVS.
    my $somethingtocommit = 0; # set non-0 if we find any rev we need to
    my (@pending_commands);

    while($_=myread()) {

 if(!(/^\*{17}/)) {
     die "parsing messed up on '$_'\n";

 my ($version,$user,$timestamp,$label,$comment);

 if(/^\*{17}( +Version (\d+) +\*{17})?/) {
     $version = $2;
     $highestssver = $version unless ($highestssver > $version);

 if(/^Label: "(.+)"$/) {
     $label = $1;
 ($user,$timestamp) = parse_user_and_timestamp($_);

 if(/Labeled/) {
     # this revision isn't really a revision - it's just a label
     if( $label =~ s%[^\w\-]+%_%g && !$label_warned{$label}) {
  # print "@, #, /, ', spaces or unprintable characters in label ";
  # print "\"$label\" were mapped to _\n";
  $label_warned{$label} = 1;
     if( $label =~ /^([^\w]).*$/ ) {
  $label = "A_$label";
  # print "\"A_\" prepended to label starting with $1 \"$label\"\n";
  $label_warned{$label} = 1;
     if( $label =~ /^([\_\-\d]).*$/ ) {
  $label = "A$label";
  # print "\"A\" prepended to label starting with $1 \"$label\"\n";
  $label_warned{$label} = 1;

     if (defined($cvslabels{$label})) {
  # print "******* SKIPPING LABEL '$label', ALREADY THERE!.\n";
     } else {
  # print "will tag '$label' in cvs.\n";
  $somethingtocommit = 1;
       "cvs -f tag -l $label \"$file\"");
     # assume all the comments for a particular label are the same...
     $comment = read_comment();
     $label_comments{$label} = $comment
  if ! defined($label_comments{$label});
     next ITEM;
 }   # if label

 # this is a "real" revision - either "Checked in
 # projectname" or "Branched"

 $comment = read_comment();

 undef $kflags;
 $kflags = "-kb " if ($type eq "binary");

 # make a "normalized" timestamp so we can search for it in
 # %cvsdates
 my $normaltime = $timestamp;
 ($temp) = split(/\./, $normaltime); # get year only
 $normaltime =~ s/^/19/ if (length($temp) le 2);
 if (defined ($cvsrevs{$normaltime})) {
     print("Skip commit rev dated $normaltime (and prior) - ",
    "already in cvs as $cvsrevs{$normaltime}.\n");
     $matchrev = $cvsrevs{$normaltime};
     last;  # skip all prev. revs, assume they're there (should be)
 } else {

     print "Will commit rev dated $normaltime to cvs.\n";

   "$comment\ndate\t$timestamp\;\tauthor $user\;\tstate Exp\;\n");
     # NOTE: -f is because, unfortunately, we must force all commits,
     # even if there isn't really any change. This is because CVS
     # won't notice that a file has changed if its timestamp is the same
     # (which can easily happen in a script that does many operations
     # in the space of a single second)
   "cvs -f -r commit -f -F commentfile \"$file\"");
     if ($savedrevs || !$somethingtocommit) {
  # do at least one get per file, even if there's no
  # history
  my $v = "-v$version" if ($savedrevs);
       "ss get \"$file_bs\" -GL\"$dir\" -I-Y $v $ssuserpass");
     $somethingtocommit = 1;
 }   # if this is a revision not already in CVS

 if ($version == 1) {
     # any labels beyond version 1 happened before the file
     # was created
 next ITEM;

    print "========\n";
    @trash = <SS>; # trying to flush out the rest of SS
    undef @linebuffer;
    close SS;

    if ($alreadyincvs) {
        # If the file is in cvs already, we need to do the following:
 #     If we're on a branch and there's no $cvsbranch label
 #         create branch label at last rev in common with trunk
 #     update the *file* tag to the end of the branch

 my $branchopt = "-r $cvsbranch" if $cvsbranch;
 if ($somethingtocommit) {
     # the rm is so that we can verify the upcoming "ss get"
     # was successful by checking for existence of the file
     push(@pending_commands, "rm -f \"$file\"");
     push(@pending_commands, "cvs -f -r update $branchopt \"$file\"");

 if ($cvsbranch) {
 if (!$matchrev) {
     # if there was no match, it's just as if we're creating from scratch
     $alreadyincvs = 0;
 } elsif (!defined($cvslabels{$cvsbranch})) {
     # if branch isn't already there, create it.
     push(@pending_commands, "cvs -f tag -b $cvsbranch \"$file\"");
     push(@pending_commands, "cvs -f tag $cvsbranch"."-initial \"$file\"");
     push(@pending_commands, "cvs -f -r update -r $matchrev \"$file\"");
 } # if $cvsbranch
    } # if $alreadyincvs

    my ($cmd, $comment);
    while ($cmd = pop @pending_commands) {

 if ( $cmd =~ /.* commit .*/ ) {
     $comment = pop @pending_commands;
     open (COMMENT, "> commentfile");
     print COMMENT "$comment\n";
     close COMMENT;


 if ((!$alreadyincvs) && ($cmd =~ /^ss get/)) {

     # if the file doesn't exist in the work directory, that
     # means the ss get failed, so we need to try getting the
     # next higher revision. Iteratively do this until we get
     # one or until there are no more versions available in
     # VSS. This way we'll end up with the next version newer
     # than the desired version.

     # Note that, in the case a version somewhere in the middle
     # is missing (and earlier versions exist), you'll end up with
     # the next *older* version instead. In order to fix this, you'd need
     # to add an rm of the workfile after each cvs commit, which would
     # could have a noticeable impact on the time required to to
     # the conversion.
     if (! (-e $file)) {
  # first get the ver number from the failed ss commandline
  # it will be the number just past "-I-Y -v"
  $cmd =~ /-I-Y -v(\d+) /;
  my $ver = $1;
  print "****** no copy of $file;$ver found!\n";
  while ($ver && ($ver < $highestssver) && !(-e $file)) {
      $cmd =~ s/-I-Y -v(\d+) /-I-Y -v$ver /;


     # if the file isn't already in cvs, we need to do a cvs
     # add right after the 1st ss get (we couldn't put this
     # into pending_commands to begin with because we could
     # never know for sure which ss get was the first until we
     # were done - apparently the 1st revision of some VSS
     # files *isn't* revision 1 (which was previously used as
     # the cue to do the cvs add))
     $cmd = "cvs -f -r add $kflags -m\"Imported from VSS\" \"$file\"";
     $alreadyincvs = 1;
 } # if cvs add needed

    } # while more commands to process
} # end of sub resync_file()

sub parse_user_and_timestamp
    if (address@hidden@) {

# For U.S. format dates: mm/dd/yy, time as hh:mm[am or pm indicator]
    die "can't parse timestamp $_"

    my ($user, $mo, $day, $yr, $hr, $min, $sec) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6,
    $user =~ s/[\s]+$// ;  # mikem - remove trailing spaces.
    $user =~ s/[\s]+/_/g;  # eliminate blanks in userid - CVS might not like
# For U.K (and other) format dates: hh:mm (no am or PM):
#    my ($user, $day, $mo, $yr, $hr, $min, $sec) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6,

    # gmtime returns and
    # timelocal takes  second, minute,  hour,   day, month,  year
    # in the range      0..59,  0..59, 0..23, 1..31, 0..11, 0..137
    # The two digit year has assumptions made about it such that
    # any time before 2037 (when the 32-bit seconds-since-1970 time
    # will run out) is handled correctly.  i.e. 97 -> 1997, 101 -> 2001

    $hr = $hr % 12;
    if($7 eq 'p') { $hr += 12; }
    $mo = $mo - 1;
    if ( $yr < 38 ) { $yr += 100; }

    use Time::Local;
    $totalsec = timelocal($sec, $min, $hr, $day, $mo, $yr);
    ($sec, $min, $hr, $day, $mo, $yr, $unused) = gmtime($totalsec);

    $mo += 1;
    if ($yr > 99) { $yr -= 100; }
    for $timething ($sec, $min, $hr, $day, $mo, $yr) {
 if ($timething !~ /../) {
     $timething = "0" . $timething;
    if ($yr < 34) { $yr += 2000; }
    my $timestamp="$yr.$mo.$day.$hr.$min.$sec";

#******later: how do I handle the local date and time formatting settings?
## Is there a way to figure out what they are, so that I can parse 'em?
## output when "English, Australia" selected: dd/mm/yy hh:mm

    return ($user,$timestamp);
} # parse_user_and_timestamp

sub read_comment
  my $comment="";

  while($_=myread()) {
    # SAB 980503 - Comment can be terminated either by a new version
    # banner or by a Label separator...
##   *****************  Version 28  *****************
##   User: User1        Date:  3/19/98   Time:  2:16p
##   Checked in $/Projects/Common/AppUtils
##   Comment: setup CoffFormat build configuration
##   **********************
##   Label: "demo #1"
##   User: User2        Date:  3/16/98   Time:  4:23a
##   Labeled
##   Label comment: Proposed demo.
##   **********************
##   Label: "demo."
##   User: User2        Date:  3/13/98   Time:  2:35a
##   Labeled
##   Label comment: Project ready for demo.
##   *****************  Version 27  *****************
##   User: User2        Date:  2/17/98   Time: 10:27p
##   Checked in $/Projects/Common/AppUtils
##   Comment: Fixed location of output .lib/.bsc files.

    if(/^\*{17}/) {
      $comment =~ s/^(Label comment|Comment): //;
      # strip trailing blank lines & final newline
      $comment =~ s/[\s\r\n]*$//;
      return $comment;
    $comment .= $_;
  $comment =~ s/^Comment: //;
  return $comment;
} # read_comment

# functions to read from SS with pushback
# my @linebuffer;

sub myread
  my $line;
  $line = pop @linebuffer if(defined(@linebuffer));
  if (! defined($line)) {
    $line = <SS>;
  return $line;

sub pushback
  push @linebuffer,shift;

sub exec_cmd
    my $cmd = shift;
    $cmd =~ s/$ssuserpass/-y**SECRET**/;
    print("++++ $cmd ++++\n");
} # exec_cmd

sub slashes
    my $ret = shift;
    $ret =~ s%\\%\/%g;
    return $ret;
} # slashes

sub backslashes
    my $ret = shift;
    $ret =~ s%\/%\\%g;
    return $ret;
} # backslashes

# mkdirp - make a directory, including all parents if needed,
#          like "mkdir -p"
sub mkdirp
    my $fulldir = shift;
    $fulldir = slashes($fulldir);
    my $curdir = "";

    for my $thisdir (split(/\//,$fulldir)) {
 $curdir = "$curdir$thisdir/";
 mkdir "$curdir", 0700;
} # mkdirp

# iteratively do a cvs add of each component of a directory.
sub cvsadddirp
    my $fulldir = shift;
    $fulldir = slashes($fulldir);
    my $curdir = "";

    # print ("*** Adding directory $fulldir to CVS\n");
    for my $thisdir (split(/\//,$fulldir)) {
 $curdir = "$curdir$thisdir/";
 exec_cmd("cvs -f -r add \"$curdir\"") unless -d "$curdir/CVS";
} # cvsadddirp

# rmdirp - like "rm -rf", but does a chmod +w of everything first, so
#          that it works on braindead WinNT.
sub rmdirp
    my $subdir = shift;

    system("chmod -R +w $subdir");
    system("rm -rf $subdir");
} # rmdirp

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