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Re: Face - problem!!

From: Surendra Singhi
Subject: Re: Face - problem!!
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:50:39 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.4.13 (Rational FORTRAN, windows-nt)

David Z Maze <> writes:

> Surendra Singhi <> writes:
>> I want to insert face into my news posts and I have the following lines in my
>> .gnus file
>> (setq message-required-news-headers
>>    (nconc message-required-news-headers
>>        (list '(Face . (lambda ()
>>                 (gnus-face-from-file "~/.xemacs/face.jpg"))))))
>> The value of the variable is also set accordingly to
>> (From Newsgroups Subject Date Message-ID (optional . Organization)
>>  (optional . User-Agent) (Face lambda nil 
>> (gnus-face-from-file "~/.xemacs/face.jpg")))
>> But it doesn't seems to have the intended effect.
>> Am I doing anything wrong, or do I need to set some other variable?
> I don't think you're actually getting the lambda (code) into the list;
> instead, you're getting the symbol 'lambda and such into it.  Maybe
> you mean something more like
> (setq message-required-news-headers
>   (append message-required-news-headers
>     (list (cons 'Face (lambda ()
>                         (gnus-face-from-file "face.jpg"))))))
> Or, even,
> (defun acquire-gnus-face () (gnus-face-from-file "face.jpg"))
> (setq message-required-news-headers
>   (append message-required-news-headers
>     '((Face . acquire-gnus-face))))
Both your method and my method gives the same result
i.e., ((Face lambda nil
       (gnus-face-from-file "face.jpg")))

> (It's not obvious to me that "~/.xemacs/face.jpg" will do what you
> want as an argument to gnus-face-from-file; you might need to pass
> that through expand-file-name on the way.)

Even after using expand-file-name on the way I don't get face field in my
The value of the variable is now:

(From Newsgroups Subject Date Message-ID (optional . Organization) 
(optional . User-Agent) (Face lambda nil (gnus-face-from-file 
(expand-file-name "~/.xemacs/face.jpg"))))

Thanks in advance.
Surendra Singhi

"O thou my friend! The prosperity of Crime is like unto the lightning,
whose traitorous brilliancies embellish the atmosphere but for an
instant, in order to hurl into death's very depths the luckless one
they have dazzled." -- Marquis de Sade

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