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Gnus sends mail most of the time

From: Merciadri Luca
Subject: Gnus sends mail most of the time
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 01:20:43 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0


I have tried to configure Gnus to be able to send and receive mails
from various accounts. On one account, I want to be able to sign my
outgoing mails. For PGP, I have installed MailCrypt. My apps are up-to-
However, if I send a mail, it displays two different texts in the
bottom of the Emacs' window: "Using smtpmail..." then "Using
smtpmail... done", and "Using mail..." then "Using mail... done".
Anyway, I do not understand why it seems to use two different
``layers'' of Emacs to send such outgoing mails. When displaying
"Using mail...", it seems to take more time, and my mail is received
~1hour after. When displaying "Using smtpmail...", it seems to take
less time, and my mail is either received instantaneously, or delayed
of ~30min.
Also, the mail's sending is sometimes very long (~5min), and ends by
displaying Groups, as if the mail was sent, but it is actually unsent,
and no more in Drafts. When the mail's sending is very long, Gnus
seems to begin it with adding a PGP public key at the end of the mail.
I can see it, as it is then written in the outgoing message. It is not
the case when Gnus sends it quickly.

Is it normal? I suppose no. Here are my .emacs my .gnus:

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(column-number-mode t)
 '(cua-mode t nil (cua-base))
 '(display-battery-mode t)
 '(display-time-mode t)
 '(inhibit-startup-screen t)
 '(show-paren-mode t)
 '(size-indication-mode t)
 '(text-mode-hook (quote (turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook-identify)))
 '(transient-mark-mode t))
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
;; colors:
(set-background-color "lightblue")
(set-foreground-color "slateblue")
(set-cursor-color "brown")
(set-mouse-color "orangered")
 (setq fill-column 20)
 (setq-default auto-fill-function 'do-auto-fill)
;;; Prevent Extraneous Tabs
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq load-path (cons "~ZEmacs" load-path))
;; ========== Enable Line and Column Numbering ==========
;; Show line-number in the mode line
(line-number-mode 1)
;; Show column-number in the mode line
(column-number-mode 1)

; mailcrypting stuff
(load-library "mailcrypt")
(mc-setversion "gpg")
(autoload 'mc-install-write-mode "mailcrypt" nil t)
(autoload 'mc-install-read-mode "mailcrypt" nil t)
(add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook 'mc-install-read-mode)
(add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)
;(add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)
(add-hook 'news-reply-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)
; If you have more than one key, specify the one to use
(setq mc-gpg-user-id "Merciadri Luca
; Always sign encrypted messages
(setq mc-pgp-always-sign t)
; How long should mailcrypt remember your passphrase
(setq mc-passwd-timeout 600)
; Automagically sign all messages
(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'will-you-sign)
(defun will-you-sign ()
        (load-library "mc-toplev")
        (if (y-or-n-p "Do you want to sign this message? ")
(add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook 'mc-install-read-mode)
(add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)
(add-hook 'news-reply-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)



(setq user-full-name "Merciadri Luca")
(setq user-mail-address "")
(setq nnmail-spool-file "/var/mail/merciadriluca")
(setq display-time-mail-file "/var/mail/merciadriluca")
;(setq message-default charset `utf-8)
(setq nnml-directory "~/Mail/")
(setq gnus-select-method '(nnml ""))
;(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnmbox "")))

;(setq gnus-directory "~/.News/")
;(setq message-directory "~/.Mail/")

;(require 'pgg)

;; Utilisation du backend nnml avec procmail
;; nnmail-procmail-directory correspond à la variable MAILDIR
;; de votre .procmailrc
  gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml ""))
  gnus-use-procmail t
  nnmail-spool-file "procmail"
  nnmail-procmail-directory "/home/merciadriluca/Mail"
  nnmail-procmail-suffix ""

;; Pour les nouvelles versions de Gnus (>= 5.8.7)
;(setq mail-sources
;   (list '(directory
;             :path "~/incoming/"
;             :suffix ""
;          )
;   )

(setq gnus-posting-styles
        (".*" ;; default style
         (organization "ULg")
         (address "")
         (signature-file "~/Documents/e_mail-sig"))
                                        ;((message-news-p) ;; for news
                                        ;(organization "ULg")
                                        ;(signature-file "~/Documents/
                                        ;(organization "None")
                                        ;(address "")
                                        ;(signature-file "~/Documents/
                                        ;(signature-file "~/Documents/


;; Automcatically sign when sending mails
 ;   (add-hook 'message-send-hook 'mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime)

;; only sign
    ;(add-hook 'gnus-message-setup-hook 'mml-secure-message-sign-
;;; only encrypt
 ;   (add-hook 'gnus-message-setup-hook
  ;            (lambda ()
   ;              (mml-secure-message-encrypt-pgpmime 1)))

(setq gnus-check-new-newsgroup nil)

;; MIME Settings for PGnus
(require 'mm-util)
(defun mm-read-charset (prompt)
  "Return a charset."
(setq gnus-default-posting-charset (quote iso-8859-15))
(setq gnus-article-decode-mime-words t)
(setq gnus-article-decode-charset 1)
(setq gnus-mime-view-all-parts t) ; View all the MIME parts in current
(setq gnus-ignored-mime-types
(setq gnus-unbuttonized-mime-types nil) ; MIME type -> no buttons when
 ;; Add buttons
 gnus-treat-buttonize t
 ;; Add buttons to the head
 gnus-treat-buttonize-head 'head
 ;; Emphasize text
 gnus-treat-emphasize t
 ;; Fill the article
 gnus-treat-fill-article nil
 ;; Remove carriage returns
 gnus-treat-strip-cr 'last
 ;; Hide headers
 gnus-treat-hide-headers 'head
 ;; Hide boring headers
 gnus-treat-hide-boring-headers 'head
 ;; Hide the signature
 gnus-treat-hide-signature nil
 ;; Hide cited text
 gnus-treat-hide-citation nil
 ;; Strip PGP signatures
 gnus-treat-strip-pgp 'last
 ;; Strip PEM signatures
 gnus-treat-strip-pem 'last
 ;; Highlight the headers
 gnus-treat-highlight-headers 'head
 ;; Highlight cited text
 gnus-treat-highlight-citation 'last
 ;; Highlight the signature
 gnus-treat-highlight-signature 'last
 ;; Display the Date in UT (GMT)
 gnus-treat-date-ut nil
 ;; Display the Date in the local timezone
 gnus-treat-date-local nil
 ;; Display the date in the original timezone
 gnus-treat-date-original nil
 ;; Strip trailing blank lines
 gnus-treat-strip-trailing-blank-lines 'last
 ;; Strip leading blank lines
 gnus-treat-strip-leading-blank-lines 'last
 ;; Strip multiple blank lines
 gnus-treat-strip-multiple-blank-lines 'last
 ;; Strip all blank lines
 ;; gnus-treat-strip-blank-lines nil
 ;; Treat overstrike highlighting
 gnus-treat-overstrike 'last
;;* show the text/plain part before the text/html part in multpart/
(require 'mm-decode)
;;;-- no way do compile with this
;;;--(push "text/plain" mm-alternative-precedence)
;;;--(setq mm-alternative-precedence "text/plain")

(message "gnus.el: MIME initialized")

(setq smtpmail-default-smtp-server "")
(setq send-mail-command 'smtpmail-send-it); For mail-mode (Rmail)
(setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it); For message-mode
                                        ; (Gnus)
(setq message-signature 'my-signature)
(setq gnus-signature-separator '("^-- $"))

;(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "private")))

(setq mail-sources
(pop :server ""
     :user "s083201")
(pop :server ""
     :user "mluca")
(pop :server ""
     :user "lme04343")
(pop :server ""
     :user "luca.merciadri")))

(setq gnus-nntp-server nil
      gnus-read-active-file nil
      gnus-save-newsrc-file nil
      gnus-read-newsrc-file nil
      gnus-check-new-newsgroups nil)


Any help would me much appreciated.

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