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[Iris-devel] tolerate

From: Leopold Anthony
Subject: [Iris-devel] tolerate
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 03:32:47 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Randomly distributed noise is added to the synthetic PFs to simulate experimental errors and assess the stability of each method.
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Have you ever thought of striking up a conversation. Seems he's got two albums up his sleeve. And most especially if I'm going to give you a link to it at the bottom of this. They put on one hell of a. The decrease of the planar tensile stress in the direction towards the surface could be well established quantitatively.
Solution consistency is assessed by inverting two sets of measured PFs, one complete, one incomplete, using several meshes on the orientation space with an increasing number of degrees of freedom.
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Consistency can be checked by determining the orientation distribution from several diffraction peaks independently.
A small number of diffraction patterns of the same peak are sufficient to track depth-dependent shifts of the principal lattice parameters. For many years, the Journal of Applied Crystallography has been the main vehicle for the publication of small-angle scattering papers and powder diffraction techniques.
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The size of the aggregates has been found to be reduced by increasing the number of styrenic reactive groups. It can be directly applied for reciprocal-space simulation. The determination of the size-dependent contrast is based upon an equation of state for molecular hydrogen which incorporates the compressibility of hydrogen under high pressures. But what if you get pregnant first?
Ward "Post-War" Album: Reviewed. Seems he's got two albums up his sleeve.
This analysis resulted in the determination of the relative change in lattice parameter as a result of hydrogen introduction into the Al matrix.

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