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[Koha-devel] Receive procedure in Acquisition related question

From: Henri-Damien LAURENT
Subject: [Koha-devel] Receive procedure in Acquisition related question
Date: Fri Aug 5 06:19:12 2005
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050322)

Hi all,

table aqorderdelivery seems never to be used in koha-head Acquisition.pm.
So I am wondering if one CAN receive books he didnot expect from a supplier with our system or he should go to order, order the erived book and then recieve it, but that doesn't sound a clever way for me.
But More, how partial deliveries are managed.
For Instance :
I ordered 4 books, only 1 was delivered.
If system is given a delivery date, it is true I received sthg.
But also false my order is not complete. And there should be more than 1 delivery date.

I am building a getlateorders function.
My main interest is to achieve goal 2-D of Paul's roadmap for 2.2.4 : lateorders management.

If aqorderdelivery is never used, maybe we could drop this table in HEAD.
Many THX.
Henri-Damien LAURENT

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