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Re: [Koha-devel] Testing Koha 3

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Testing Koha 3
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 22:05:48 +0100
User-agent: Heirloom mailx 12.2 01/07/07

Bradley Duane Peters <address@hidden> wrote:
> I did the basic checkout from the public Git repository and have been 
> looking at that. It's very possible I've missed it because I'm not very 
> familiar with Koha but I can't find any of the zebra database stuff.
> In short, is it possible to setup an instance of Koha using the code 
> from the repository? And, if so is there somewhere in particular I 
> should be looking for help?

I don't know.  I've not managed it yet.  I have a running koha 3.0,
but it doesn't seem to work well enough to test fully, even.  I'm not
sure if it's bugs in koha or my installation.  This is part of the
problem delaying the 3.0 installer.

The installation process I followed was:

1. Prepare System and Install Dependencies
  (see http://serene.ttllp.co.uk/~mjr/koha-installer/ and the
   packages in http://serene.ttllp.co.uk/~mjr/ )
2. update config files
  (see misc/koha.xml and misc/koha.conf and misc/zebra, but we
   have to write koha-httpd.conf - or maybe koha-httpd.conf.PL -
   I plan to write that this week.)
3. create database, user for koha
4. start Zebra
5. Run Web Installer to create database and configure settings

I've cut some detail because I think most of it needs updating.

Hope that helps,
MJ Ray - see/vidu http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
Experienced webmaster-developers for hire http://www.ttllp.co.uk/
Also: statistician, sysadmin, online shop builder, workers co-op.
Writing on koha, debian, sat TV, Kewstoke http://mjr.towers.org.uk/

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