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Re: [Koha-win32] How do I configure KOHA INTRANET for LAN ACCESS

From: Rob Weir
Subject: Re: [Koha-win32] How do I configure KOHA INTRANET for LAN ACCESS
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:27:56 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

If you used the Windows install package, it uses the Windows hosts file on the machine where you install Koha to provide name resolution for the Intranet interface. To access the intranet interface from other workstations, you can either add a record to your DNS server, or modify the hosts file on those workstations. See my previous post at http://www.nabble.com/Direct-URL-to-Intranet-tf4252150.html#a12102548 for instructions on how to do this.


Phil Lathroum wrote:
I checked online and found a few answers each with slightly different info...
Neither one worked...
How do I configure APACHE to access the INTRANET side accross the lan...
Philip Lathroum
        Technology Coordinator
        Cardinal Shehan School
           410-433-2775 x107

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