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Re: [Libjit] Register allocation optimizations.

From: Aleksey Demakov
Subject: Re: [Libjit] Register allocation optimizations.
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2017 20:08:34 +0700

Hi Rajan,

Libjit uses very simple register allocation algorithm that spills
registers before any branch. Implementing a better algorithm is
certainly possible.


On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 4:24 AM, Rajan Walia <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am using libjit to compile code at runtime and I wanted to know if
> there is a way to get better register allocation. I was looking at the
> assembly output of a normal dotproduct function which takes pointer to
> two array and size, loops through the two array at the same time and
> sums the product at each position.
> ----------- similar c code-------
> uint dotproduct (uint* arr1, uint* arr2, uint size) {
>   uint sum = 0;
>   uint i = 0;
>   while (i<size) {
>     sum = sum + arr1 [i] + arr2 [i];
>     i = i+1;
>   }
>   return sum;
> }
> ------------------------------------------------
> The three address code
> function dot-product(l1 : ptr, l2 : ptr, i3 : uint) : uint
>     incoming_reg(l1, rdi)
>     incoming_reg(l2, rsi)
>     incoming_reg(i3, rdx)
> .L:
>     i8 = 0
>     i7 = 0
> .L0:
>     i11 = ilt_un(i8, i3)
>     if ige_un(i8, i3) then goto .L1
> .L:
>     i14 = i8 * 4
>     i15 = trunc_int(i14)
>     i12 = i15
>     l16 = expand_int(i12)
>     l17 = l1 + l16
>     i19 = load_relative_int(l17, 0)
>     l20 = expand_int(i12)
>     l21 = l2 + l20
>     i22 = load_relative_int(l21, 0)
>     i23 = i19 * i22
>     i24 = i7 + i23
>     i7 = i24
>     i26 = i8 + 1
>     i8 = i26
>     goto .L0
>     ends_in_dead
> .L:
> .L1:
>     return_int(i7)
>     ends_in_dead
> .L:
> .L:
> end
> -------------------------------------------
> and compiled assembly code:
> ptrstruct<16>ptrfunction dot-product(ptr, ptr, uint) : uint
> /tmp/libjit-dump.o:     file format elf64-x86-64
> Disassembly of section .text:
> 00007f6e1b9acf6e <.text>:
>     7f6e1b9acf6e:    55                       push   %rbp
>     7f6e1b9acf6f:    48 8b ec                 mov    %rsp,%rbp
>     7f6e1b9acf72:    48 83 ec 30              sub    $0x30,%rsp
>     7f6e1b9acf76:    4c 89 2c 24              mov    %r13,(%rsp)
>     7f6e1b9acf7a:    4c 89 74 24 08           mov    %r14,0x8(%rsp)
>     7f6e1b9acf7f:    4c 89 7c 24 10           mov    %r15,0x10(%rsp)
>     7f6e1b9acf84:    48 89 7d f8              mov    %rdi,-0x8(%rbp)
>     7f6e1b9acf88:    48 89 75 f0              mov    %rsi,-0x10(%rbp)
>     7f6e1b9acf8c:    4c 8b ea                 mov    %rdx,%r13
>     7f6e1b9acf8f:    45 33 ff                 xor    %r15d,%r15d
>     7f6e1b9acf92:    45 33 f6                 xor    %r14d,%r14d
>     7f6e1b9acf95:    45 3b fd                 cmp    %r13d,%r15d
>     7f6e1b9acf98:    0f 83 29 00 00 00        jae    0x7f6e1b9acfc7
>     7f6e1b9acf9e:    41 8b c7                 mov    %r15d,%eax
>     7f6e1b9acfa1:    c1 e0 02                 shl    $0x2,%eax
>     7f6e1b9acfa4:    48 63 c8                 movslq %eax,%rcx
>     7f6e1b9acfa7:    48 8b 55 f8              mov    -0x8(%rbp),%rdx
>     7f6e1b9acfab:    48 03 ca                 add    %rdx,%rcx
>     7f6e1b9acfae:    8b 09                    mov    (%rcx),%ecx
>     7f6e1b9acfb0:    48 63 c0                 movslq %eax,%rax
>     7f6e1b9acfb3:    48 8b 55 f0              mov    -0x10(%rbp),%rdx
>     7f6e1b9acfb7:    48 03 c2                 add    %rdx,%rax
>     7f6e1b9acfba:    8b 00                    mov    (%rax),%eax
>     7f6e1b9acfbc:    0f af c8                 imul   %eax,%ecx
>     7f6e1b9acfbf:    44 03 f1                 add    %ecx,%r14d
>     7f6e1b9acfc2:    41 ff c7                 inc    %r15d
>     7f6e1b9acfc5:    eb ce                    jmp    0x7f6e1b9acf95
>     7f6e1b9acfc7:    41 8b c6                 mov    %r14d,%eax
>     7f6e1b9acfca:    4c 8b 2c 24              mov    (%rsp),%r13
>     7f6e1b9acfce:    4c 8b 74 24 08           mov    0x8(%rsp),%r14
>     7f6e1b9acfd3:    4c 8b 7c 24 10           mov    0x10(%rsp),%r15
>     7f6e1b9acfd8:    48 8b e5                 mov    %rbp,%rsp
>     7f6e1b9acfdb:    5d                       pop    %rbp
>     7f6e1b9acfdc:    c3                       retq
> end
> ----------------------------------------
> Here the incoming pointer are stored on stack and in every loop
> iteration first we get the pointer value from stack and then we add
> index.
> I was wondering if there is a way to optimize this and keep the array
> pointers in registers.
> I am using libjit from the repo directly with commit:
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Rajan

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