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Re: [libmicrohttpd] Problem with Keep-Alive and MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_TI

From: Evgeny Grin
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] Problem with Keep-Alive and MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT in MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION mode
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 00:19:09 +0300

I'd recommend to use  --disable-bauth --disable-dauth only with static lib as produced .dll will not be binary compatible with default mhd lib so add --disable-share --enable-static.
To speedup building use 'make -j8' where '8' is number of your CPU cores.
To remove debug and other unwanted information use "make install-string" or "strip lib-with-path.a"
To build really small lib use CFLAGS='-Os -s', for example
CFLAGS='-Os -s' ../libmicrohttpd/configure  --disable-shared --enable-static --disable-doc --disable-examples
After stripping x64 binary with HTTPS support and other option is only 68 Kib.
Don't forget to run "make clean" before rebuilding with new options or flags.

Best Wishes,
Evgeny Grin

08.12.2015, 23:30, "silvioprog" <address@hidden>:
Hm... so I did something wrong there. The commands that I did was (built for production):

$ ./configure --disable-doc --disable-examples --disable-messages --enable-https=no --disable-bauth --disable-dauth --disable-curl
$ make
$ make install

Ie, without HTTPS support, and I used the latest MingGW-w64 version. :-/

On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Evgeny Grin <address@hidden> wrote:
32-bit .dll file generated by Visual Studio is only 81 KiB. But it's without HTTPS support.

Best Wishes,
Evgeny Grin
Silvio Clécio

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